That Night(mare)

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It was such a beautiful day. The sun was out, the dogs were running about, and you enjoyed the nice breeze that seemed to circle you. The best part? You had gotten off work early! So, you decided to get some flowers, food, and a plush spider to surprise Virgil. You grabbed a coffee and headed home with a smile on your face. Once you arrived you remained silent, carrying the few bags and managing to open the door without a single noise. After arranging the gifts in your arms, your hear a noise coming from the bedroom. So, you burst in "SURPRI-"
Everything you once held in your arms had dropped onto the ground as you stare at Virgil kissing another side. They immediately noticed you due to your yelling, and froze. After what felt like an eternity of silence, V spoke up. "Y/N I can explain!" He rushed over to you while you stifled a sob.

"Sorry to interrupt you" You picked up the contents you dropped on the floor, only to yeet them into a nearby trash bin. Then, you clench your fists and begin to walk away.

As you continued to walk away, Virgil grabbed your arm. "Angel, please"

"DONT TOUCH ME" You yanked your hand away from him and accidentally hit him. You fought off every urge to apologize and just ran. Hot tears poured out of your eyes, clouding your vision, but you had to keep running. Your head began hurt; not only from the sobbing but from the thoughts that screamed in your head. What if he never loved you? What if he was just using you? What if- All of the sudden, you tripped over a hole in your path. It wasn't that big, but you had not been paying attention to anything but your thoughts. You fell face first onto the concrete in front of you, and the next thing you know you wake up back in your bed.
In the real world.

Or did you?

Nah, you did.

(Short) Virgil x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now