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3:47 A.M.

You had rushed through your retelling of the bad dream, getting slightly embarassed that you would get so worked up over some dream. Because it was just that. Some dream...

Cold, dead silence.
You sat on the bed, wiping tears away before they could fall. What do you say? What could you say? The dream felt surreal, but that would never happen, right?

After what felt like an eternity, you spoke up. "I-" You cleared your throat, why was your voice so shaky? "I know you wouldn't cheat, I just-"

Virgil cut you off by grabbing your face and pulling you into a kiss. He was soft, but passionate as he basically pulled you into his lap. "Hey, its just a dream. Do you really think I would ruin what we have?" He held you close "You mean so much to me, Angel."

"I know" You felt a bit shameful for even having the thought, but before you could say anything else, Virgil continued.
"Sometimes our fears and anxieties(heh) can cloud our, like, knowledge and, um, beliefs?" He sighed "Im not the best at words. But I am pretty good at cuddles"

So, he cuddled you, and of course you responded with more cuddles. While you were wrapped in his arms, you felt- no, you knew nothing could ever, EVER hurt you. Not even dreams.

"I love you angel"
"I love you too, storm cloud"

You two fell asleep not long after, clinging to each other as if it were for dear life.

And so the howls continued to carry through the open window, taking you into a new dream...

HI BABES! Im "thebiggestsimp"!(Ugh, cliche much? But I know you all came here for the sappy/happy ending so there!) I really hope you enjoyed my lil story and Ill hopefully se you all in the next one! (Comment any story ideas you have!)

(Short) Virgil x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now