caching up

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someone's pov 

1 month later-

walking down to the dinning hall with a bright smile as everyone was greeting him a sweet good morning to the maids and the butlers in house "oh dear you look like your in a good mood come here and eat with us" his mother said with a motherly smile as izuku did what she told to and sits down next to her "did something good happen while were away son?" his father ask "yes father-" 

"dad please call me dad"

"dad... yes i love staying here and I've learned a lots of things in this house" izuku beamed with as sweet and cutely smile putting on his face "will dig in!!!" her mother said as they begin to eat there breakfast 

after that they were heading to the garden to have a great day to catch up to each other, izuku's father was a bit excited on giving his son a big surprise gift "izuku my son" he called out "yes father" izuku said as he turn his look at his father with a smile 

"how about i recommend you to my new company of becoming a future idol to sing for everyone in the america!? not just america THE ENTIRE WORLD?" hizashi said with a hopeful look on his face "e-eh... b-becoming an idol?... i.... umm... i would love to! it has been my dream on becoming an idol to sing for everyone and give them hopes on not giving up on there self's" izuku said with a smile on his face looking down on his hands and looking at his caring parents "awww dear come here" inko said as she walks towards her son and hugged him the same as his father they were having a good day like playing and caching up together it was there family reunion 

izuku has already forgotten about his past and about 'him' 

-mean while at the japan-

-same day-

-at the alderia middle school-

~katsuki bakugou pov~

(i have forgotten something about a warning since my other story is kinda crappy ill edit them and make it right so here we go)


same day same bulls**ts i wanna throw up "HEY BABY!!! did ya miss me?" some b**h said i avoided her and walk away from this s**t i hate it she looks like a clown when you see her face i really wanna throw up i wish de- i mean izuku was here to see this...

"sigh*" were are you damn nerd?

how have you been?

i wanted to become a hero for you like what we promised since little...


did you miss me?...

i miss you too...

im sorry...

im so sorry izuku...

i should have been protecting you not like this...

i wanted to change...

i blame myself from what i did to you...

i wanted to tell you that i was sorry from what i did to you...

please come home...

come back to me...

i wanna see you cute freckles cheeks...

your beautiful emerald big eyes...

your cute giggles...

your pinkish lips...

i dont know anymore...

and i cant live without you...

those words have been rolling around my mind for the past few days now that's the words that i wanted to let out and tell you about my thoughts that i have been keeping 

i didnt even notice this feelings since little...

what have i done?

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