new friends?

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father and I was heading to his company as I mean new friendlier people in my fathers company it made me happy just by meeting them it was nice and feels like my second home they were to kind 

they even said my father was really a kind person to them and helped them it amaze me on how much father did this to all of this people he was like... a god? to them or something it really amaze me 

then soon we headed to his office and we sat on his comfortable sofa  that colored in dark green   we then talked a bit and then suddenly the door to my fathers office burst open and there five people was now inside of the office as they keep arguing to who now's what it was soon they stop and stared at my as sweat drops rolled down to my cheeks as an awkward atmosphere was around the big office until father cut the silent by smiling at the five teen agers who was about my age and... a bit taller then me... 

T^T poor me why must I be so small? yet cute...? nah whatever everyone says I'm cute and look like a girl... gaaaaa! izuku stop thinking that word your a BOY not a freaking GIRL 

I snapped as I look at my father who was introducing me to the five people that was now sitting in front of me while father sat next to me 

"Zuzu meet my five stars Idol everyone meet my son izuku" father said as I shyly wave at them and hid my face to my fathers shoulder as I gripped on his black suit then for the little silent again I heard a loud squealed as I took a pick on them 

"KYAAA HIS SO CUTE!!!" said a guy who has a bright yellow hair and has a cat golden eye's while he squealed at me and pinched my cheeks making it red 

"OH MY GOD!!! HIS SO DAMN ADORABLE" shouted another guy who has a violate hair and black eye's 

"I never thought that boss will hide a cute son like him" said a guy who has a light green hair with a curly hair like mine and violate eye's he was smirking at my father 

"oh my, oh my  what's this? boss why would you hide this very adorable boy from us?" ask a guy who has a dark red hair while his eye's that was colored with cold blue staring at me it sent shiver down my spine as I tightened my grip on my fathers suit he then later on lick his lips that has piercing on it 

"OI red you better not touch the kitten or else he will leave soon" said another guy who is much taller then the red guy "tsk... I was just teasing him a little" he said wait... did he just call me... KITTEN!? I thought to my self as my face burned red 

"now now everyone please don't get to excited and please sit properly" father said as he pets my head like I was some kind of a pet... but I love petting!!! it makes me relax a bit then father sits me down in front of him and starts playing with my curly hair... weird... will its seems normal to him so I acted along 

"now then everyone please introduced one by one ok" father said as the five males responded with a nod but some of them responded with 'yes sir' and 'hai hai'  

then the first one to introduce was the guy who pinched my cheek that almost made me cry "TwT HEYOO!!! cutie broccoli boy my name is Kyle Ong! 17 years old and my quirk is sword! I can create any kind of sword that I want as long as I want!"kyle said with a cheerful voice and was about to pinch izuku's cheeks but was stopped and tackled by the taller male of the group who has a serious face but once he look at izuku he smiled gently "the name's drake Anthony, age 18, quirk demon I can do what demon can do and everything I can even put someone in hell if you want kitten" the guy named drake said while e winked at me, he has a pure white hair and has a different eye's and that is black and red "r-really?" I ask as I didn't bother looking at my surrounding that was sparkling until father snapped me "Zuzu your sparkling" father whispered as I snapped and looks down from my embarrassment 

'that was stupid of me!!! that was really EMBARRASSING IZUKU'

I thought but then I heard chuckles as I look back to him again and now ladies and gentlemen I found a really handsome and sexy guy here thanks to my father and now... my face is burning again 

'oh no you don't izuku you need to calm down for once' I thought again as I calmed myself and starts fidgeting on my hands the next one  was the guy who teased with me as he smirked at me "name's red kusakabe, age 18, quirk mind and soul... I can read minds or control then and as for the soul I can transfer my soul to one person and I can trap his/her soul out of its body or make the persons soul sleep inside while I take over his body to control it drawback if I use it to much I will be living that persons body for 1 day only" he said acting proud on himself as I clapped my hands "THAT SO COOL" I said with a smile as he nod proudly then he sits down "my name is izuku midoriya nice to meet you all and I hope we could be friends !!!" I said with a bright smile







they thought to them self as they look at izuku with determination expression as izuku sweat drop and gulped "a-are you guys... alright?" izuku ask with a worried but cute expression the five stop as they saw his worried but cute expression as he tilted his head to the left side 

then they suddenly fainted but some of them has nosebleed 

izuku was panically wanted to help them but he was stopped by his father "let them be there just overreacting I'll call the medics here to treat them..." his father said with a smile as izuku nod then soon the medics came to the office and treated the three who has nosebleed and the other two got sent to the nursery office of the other side of the building then 

then they talked to know more about them and laughing some jokes and soon izuku became closer friends to the Idols in the whole world       

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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