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I awoke in some type of dungeon with my hands tied behind my back in chains. Fuck how did I not hear that man come up behind me? It was as if he was able to conceal his presence. Just like Levi can sometimes. I looked around the room I was in. There was a guy sitting in front of my cell in a wooden chair. He seemed to be asleep.

"HEY!" I screamed. He jumped a bit and looked around probably confused as he tried to remember where he was.

"Oh it's just you" he crossed his arms.

"Why am I here"

"I don't know anything. I was just ordered to watch you. I'm just following the Captains orders"

"Who's Captain?"

"I can't disclose that information"

"How long has it been"

"Can you shut up you're in no position to be asking questions"

"You shouldn't be so mean I'm already not in a good mood" I grinded my teeth

"Is princess mad?" he walked over and held the bars of the cell.

"How about you tell me what I want to know and I'll shut up"

"How about I just beat the shit out of you"

"Don't you dare lay a finger on me"

He grabbed the keys hanging on his side and opened the door "How about I teach you a lesson huh?" He got close to me, kneeled down and grabbed my face, and tried to kiss me. Then his eyes widened and he fell back. He held his ribs as ice protruded out of them. I stood up and brought my hands forward as I had broken the chains off. I pressed my boot against his face.

"I told you not to touch me" I kicked his face and he passed out. Ugh, men are disgusting. I walked towards the exit. I opened the door and started to go up the stairs. When I reached the top I opened the cellar door and was met with the starry night. How many hours had passed? I put my hood on and started walking the empty streets. With every corner, I turned I checked to make sure no one would see me. I heard muffled crying in the distance. I turned a corner and saw some guy in his 20's holding in his cry. I walked over to him slowly.

"Are you okay?"

"I- I-th-ey k-killed him"


"My dad" I looked behind him to see a dead body laying on the floor.

"Did you see who it was?"

"They'll kill me if I say anything" I took off my hood. His eyes widened "Humanity's Muse?! What are you doing here, why aren't you with the Levi Squad?"

"You know where they are?" He nodded and looked a bit angry. "Someone tried to kidnap me and I escaped. I need to go warn Erwin but the Military Police are after me. Can you tell me where Levi's at? I promise we'll get justice for your father but as of this moment, there's not much I can do. I will fight for you though."

He hesitated "They're in a cabin out in Wall Rose. I can't take you there right now though someone might follow us. We should stay put for the night." I nodded. "I know an empty warehouse that's safe for the night. Follow me." We walked into the abandoned warehouse. It was your typical empty room. "There's an office on the second floor you can take if you'd like"

"Thank you" I walked up the stairs and opened the door to the office. It had a few windows and a balcony. I opened the door and walked out. The air was fresh. I took a deep breath as the wind moved my blood-stained hair. I closed my eyes. I wonder how things will play out from here. I'm sure they'll try to make the Scouts look like the enemy in order to arrest us. I tried to push the thoughts to the back of my mind. Tomorrow hasn't even started and it's already looking stressful.

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now