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Angela: Playing on her phone

Reginald: Um, Angela?

Angela: Completely not concerned Yeah? What's up?

RHM: What's up?! You're sister tried to kill us, that's what's up.

Reginald: She said she was going off to somewhere for a week. I told her it's probably n9t the best ide considering she has work to do and she sort of threw a fit.

Angela: Oh. Okay I think this might be normal let me check something to make sure checks her phone calender Yup, it's her bad lady week of the month.

RHM: Bad lady week? You know you can just say she's on her period, there's nothing wrong with it.

Angela: Touche, but trust me. Aneesah and me on periods is seriously dangerous. Aneesah gets defensive over small things and has an even shorter temper and is super fussy. Plus, she has powers and she doesn't hold them back if she get's cranky. She probably went to our local house for your guys sake.

Reginald: Does she normally quarantine herself on those times?

Angela: Yeah. It's for the best, she's pretty dangerous these time.

(Aneesah is unavailable for questions for 1 week)

(Aneesah is unavailable for questions for 1 week)

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