~Memories And dreams~

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Art work is not mine!

I walk down the halls on my way to class like I do everyday, I keep my head facing the ground staring at the floor.

It's been getting worse at home.. I'm glad that we moved into
The dorms last week so I could get out of that hell hole but I feel really guilty....

I feel like shit, my throat is scratchy, I'm really tired and I just want to go back to my dorm and think. I'm really not in the mood for getting yelled at by Aizawa again as well.

As I walk towards class 1-A I start to pay attention to the shoes of the people walking past me.

I see yellow converses with purple stars colored all over them... probably someone from 1-B

Then a pair of black sneakers. And on and on until a familiar pair of shoes stops and stands in front of me.

They were a dirty pair of grayish green ankle high Converses with mine, Mina's, and kiri's names scribbled on the side with black sharpie. The laces that used to be white are now a light brown from dirt.

I look up to see Sero smiling his toothy grin at me.... what's this feeling....

Ehh whatever I'm just tired.

"Hey Kami! You doin okay?" Sero asks walking next to me as we both continue to walk towards the chaotic class room.

I look to my side at sero to see his still smiling face, a small grin grows on my own face as i sigh.

"Ya I'm fine, just a little tired"

"Didn't get much sleep?" He asked slight concern in his voice.

"No not really.. I kept having this dream, it wasn't that bad to be honest it just shook me up a little" I say tightening the grip on the straps of my backpack as the memory's of the dream come rushing back into my head.

"Well what was the dream about?"

I sighed rubbing my eyes, I really didn't want to talk about this right now, I already feel like shit as it is.

"Um... it's a long story and we're almost at class so I'll tell you another time" I say smiling, rubbing the bags under my eyes.

"Oh okay then"

And with that we both silently finished our walk down the long hall way and entered the class room.


I wince from the loud noise of Bakugo yelling.

"Dude calm down-"


I hear a sigh from next to me as sero walks over to Kiri to see what's happening.

In that moment as my eyes followed sero as he walks over to Kirishima I couldn't move, it was almost like I was in a trance.... what the actual fuck is wrong me me..

I've changed a lot.

At least that's what the bakusquad and my other classmates say.

Apparently I've lost my so called 'spark'

I never really understood what that ment, I've never had a 'spark' I just used to be better at pretending.

I jump suddenly as a cold hand tapes my shoulder. I spin around face to face with Aizawa sensei.

I fall backwards on to the ground and let out a small yelp.

"Go to your seat" he says lazily as he wobbles his way into the class room still in his sleeping bag.

I nod and quickly stand up and walk to my desk plopping myself down.

~12 minute time skip because why not~

I've been trying my hardest to pay attention and take notes, we have a test coming up soon and I really need to get my grades up.... but my eyes always find a way back to sero.

He looks so... focused, and.. cute?

No... no stop thinking like that.. that's the type of thinking that made home a living hell.

More memories come flooding back about mum.. about the pain.. and the yelling.


The blood.


The glass.


The smell of alcohol.


"I- huh-?"

"Dude are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost"

The voice of Kirishima says from behind me.

"O-oh ya I'm fine.. just thinking"

"Okay bro, try to Focus I can't help you study this time man"

"It's fine.. I'll try"

Kiri gives me a small smile then goes back to writing down notes.

But of course once again I find myself looking at sero.

His jaw line is almost perfect, his black hair is beautiful.... he's beautiful-

NO.. heh- um anyway...

~time skip to after the lesson and to lunch~

Sero's POV

I just finished my notes and stuffed them into my bag getting ready to head to the Cafeteria,

During class I kept catching denki staring at me, it was kinda creepy to be honest but he looks so tired...

I'm really worried about him.

a couple days after we moved into the dorm's he hasn't been sleeping... he's changed and not for the better, something's wrong and I want to help but he won't tell me anything.

I feel a small tug on my sleeve, I turn my head to see Kami standing there tiredly with a small smile.

"Hey um sero, could you help me study after school.. I didn't hear a single thing Aizawa said.."

I chuckle under my breath and wrap my arm around denki leading him out the door and down the hall way.

"Ya of course, come to my dorm around 6:00" I say with a smile as we walk into the noisy cafeteria.

SOOO, this is my first story- sorry if it's not the best, tbh I'm kinda just writing what comes to my mind soooo,

Anyway I hope you guys like it so far ✌🏻

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