❤❤Life After The Championship❤❤

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Whoa 100+ views, that's amazing! Thank you to my dear readers for the support. I seriously appreciate it, and you guys can chat with me anytime! No seriously, my study sessions are for two hours only. (This is the first time I used emoji in the tittle)


Narrator's POV

It's been more then one hour, Miyo has been typing and researching about something, while Gai was at work. Medaline was asleep (Trust me, getting that girl to sleep is a throat cutting task~Miyo). Nobody was there at home, the couple lived alone with their daughter. They left the running man tower long ago, they couldn't live in a dormitory after marriage. Even Sean was planning to leave the place, but Liu wouldn't move, he wanted to live in the tower forever. While on the other hand, Kuga and Makhan were planning to leave the place and get back to their tribe, Lonky wanted to leave because he was going to be the king since he saved the world, but the problem is that he couldn't because when Okus was ending the world, he destroyed Lonky's tribe first, so that meant that he had to live in a house in Tree City or live in the dormitory. Talking about Spin and Rema, they aren't in a relationship, Spin lives in a house in Tree City somewhere far, while Rema is in her tribe currently. The rest of the Dv7s excluding Sean, Spin, Rema and Makhan are going to live in the dormitory because they didn't want anybody to take over the Running Man stadium where there are memorials of the very first running man are preserved. Popo has gone on a world tour, he's now become a traveler. Miyo and Gai, both had gone to visit Miyo's mother two months before Medaline was born (Miyo was 7 months pregnant), it wasn't a really great trip since the nyanya tribe are really strict through their rules. They stayed there for a week and later left for Gai's house for one week and not so long after that, Medaline was born. She had been a little cranky for the first few days since she was a newborn but later she was fine. Liu, Sean, Spin and Popo always make a visit and she's really attracted to Popo and Spin. Rema didn't even make a visit but Sean always comes. Medaline loves the gift her parents gave her and that is a cute little seal plush whom now, she named 'Snowy'. Miyo always struggles to wash the plush because Medaline won't let it get washed, not until Gai explains her like this;

"Maddy, give Snowy to mommy so that she can wash it, or else Snowy will get sick!"

One day, Gai and Miyo, both had to attend a wedding, so they left Medaline to Kuga, Sean, Lonky and Liu, Spin too joined in since he adores his niece so much. The day after that, Medaline said her first word, not 'Mommy' nor 'Daddy' but 'Heck!' and that made Gai really cranky and upset, he locked himself inside the bathroom and kept crying for three hours straight. Now, sure enough, he got sick the next day and had to take a leave from his job. Miyo went to the mall few days after Gai recovered(Hah! Take that! Who said Miyo isn't a shopping freak!?~Aarya) to get clothes she has given to launder in the laundery and buy some clothes since they were going on a vacation so Gai could forget about the first word, and there she met Spin who told her the whole story about the first word. He stated that;

"Kuga and Lonky fell in a fight about something, Kuga swore a lot right in front of her." 

Now, Miyo knew that if she tells Gai about this, he'll kill Kuga and Lonky, both. So, she kept it a big mystery. Days after that, Spin and Rema fell in a big fight. Rema didn't want to visit them in Tree City, nor she wanted to know who Medaline is, she was a lot comfortable in the Nyanya Tribe and she didn't wanted to take the problem of travelling from here to there. Spin still didn't tell her that Medaline is the daughter or her favorite ship, Miyo and Gai, even when the couple were in the nyanya tribe, she didn't visit them once and that kinda made the couple sad. 

A year past, two days before Medline's birthday (8th Jan), Miyo sent an invititation to Rema, but not the rest of them since they were living with them for the birthday. The family enjoyed decorating the house and playing with Maddy. Rema came on the birthday and of course, ignored Spin until she found out who Medaline actually was. Rema had to apologize to the GaiYo couple and Spin and she had a lot of fun playing with Medaline. 


Hey Kemyciffer, I guess you were right about the swearing!

This is just the start. I tried my best making this long and funny. The Running Man walk their paths to their carrer, but yet live as a family. That's sweet right? This is just a summary I didn't tell you guys. There is a lot in stock to read. Get ready! Plus, I might make part 2 if you guys like it. There are alot of ideas in my mind and I want to let it out, and if you have any doubts, please feel free to send to a message or write in the comments!

I thank you guys for reading my stories 💝💝

Question: "By the way, where is Pala?"

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