A Gaiyo vs Liyo story

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Hello there, relax, relax! Liyo won't win, okay? 😂😂 

In this story, let's hear what the hearts of Gai, Liu and Miyo say. For whom does Miyo's heart beat? Gai or Liu? 

Ever heard or saw a movie where mostly this happens? Let me say like suppose there are two brothers who like one same girl, but the girl likes one of the brother. Now what? The brother who she doesn't like will kill them.

Wait wait, that doesn't mean Liu will kill Gai and Miyo!

So let's see!

Narrator's POV

It was the time around Nyanyan New Year, 1 more month and the celebrations begin! Miyo invited all of her friends for the celebration. The celebration is a really important part and anything can happen on that day, the government can allow nyanyans to get married to other tribe members, if that is possible then anything is! The decorations start from a month before the eve and everyone get very excited. 

 A 20 year old Miyo walked her late mother's garden. 

"Sigh I sure do miss you, mom." she said, refreshing memories of her mom.


4 year old Miyo and her mother were both sitting on the garden swing, admiring the beauty of the garden. The garden was planted by her mother herself. She always watered them and taught Miyo different ways of gardening.

"Mom, what is love?" Little Miyo asked "You'll understand, honey." her mother answered "One fine day..." her mother said, standing up and walking toward her favorite flowers and caressing them "You'll find that one boy who'll deserve you, right here!" she said " while you admire the beauty of this garden." she added 


"I don't know what you meant mom, but I know you still love me." she said to herself "Uhh.. Miyo, what are you doing?" a voice asked her, she turned to see Gai, who seemed nervous and was hiding something "Uh, nothing. Just admring my mother's garden. I missed her so-" she said "I understand." Gai said, giving a warm smile. He walked forward towards Miyo, took a deep breath and kneeled "Miyo.., I am a really nervous person in front on you. But today I have the courage. Will you marry me?" he asked holding out a velvet box with a diamond ring inside. Miyo couldn't say a word, she was totally speechless "Gai...I...I..... I..." she stammered, shock running her whole body. "GAI, YES!!!" she yelled hugging Gai as tight as possible "Miyo, are you serious!?" Gai asked "What do you think, you nincompoop?" Miyo joked "I love you!" she added "Glad to hear it!" he said "But, what about Liu?" Gai asked "He'll be okay!" she said "He never took the courage to propose me." she added and Gai chuckled.

Miyo walked over to inform Liu about her just happened engagement with Gai. Once she opened the door "Hey, Liu! I wanna say tha-" "MIYO,  WILL YOU MARRY ME!??!" Liu said, opening a long box with necklace inside it (C'mon, all the time ring?~Aarya) "Li...Liu!?!" Miyo said "Please say yes, please say yes!" Liu said "Liu, it's sweet of you but-" "BUT WHAT!?!?" Liu asked, "DID GAI PROPOSE YOU!??!" he said in anger "N..no, it's just that...I'm not ready" she lied and rushed outside.

At Gai's house

"HE PROPOSED YOU!?!?!" Gai yelled in a very frustated manner "I just don't understand. You people just got engaged without telling us! Ridiculous!" Spin said "Why? What's so special in you!?!" Gai asked "Well, I'm your known friend!" Spin answered "No, you're not! Your not my mom to tell me anything! Is that clear!?" Gai said "Whatever!" Spin uttered "I seriously don't appreciate two Mongs fighting each others" Miyo said "We have to focus! Without hurting Liu, we got to tell him 'No'" Miyo said "The point is, who do you love?"Gai asked "I love you, Gai. Isn't that obvious?" Miyo replied "Sweet, now go tell him!" Rema said "No way!" Gai yelled "Well, there's no changing because you're already engaged!" Lonky said, poking in a wooden toothpick into a cude of cheese "Engagements can be broken, by the way!" Rema pointed out while Gai gave her a disgusted look "Plus, Miyo isn't leaving you! Probably not after the less population of Mong-Nyanyan hybrids." Rema said, now making all of them look at her is a disgusted manner "So, you only agree with their wedding because of their 'Future Baby?'" Sean asked "Let's get on the point, Sean! Your brother!" Rema said, changing the topic "ooh! babies are wonderful!!" Kuku said, raising his 'cutness covering' glasses "Hey, Cocoa! You're not as cute as Alto, you know!" Lonky teased "Shut up, Lonky! Peng Tribe members are the cutest! and it's not Cocoa, it's Kuku" Popo said "Who said I'm cute?! I'm handsome!" Alto argued "Yeah, more like 'butt-some'!" Spin said "What the shit is 'butt-some'!?! Stop creating your own words!" Gai yelled "I meant 'some-butt!" Spin said "My foot!" Gai argued "What about your foot!?" Spin asked "I seriously wish we were at my mom's garden now!" Miyo said, facepalming "It's going to be alright, Miyo!" Gai said "Bro! You better not start your romance here!" Mai said "SHUT UP!!!!" Gai and Miyo both yelled together. 

Just then, Liu walked in, curiosity all over his face. The others kept quiet, not a single word escaping.

"Hey guys! I thought you all were at Miyo's house." Liu said "Then later I tracked Miss. Cutecase (Sean's version of Mr. Suitcase lol) and here I am!" Liu added "Ohh! Great! Soo..... Uhm..." Sean stuttered "Miyo wanted to tell you something.., would you mind?" Master Maa asked "About what!?!" Liu asked 

"Sigh About Miyo's answer to your question." Popo answered 

"What question!?" Liu questioned 

"Let me get this straight..." Miyo said, coming forward "Sigh Liu....I'm... sorry..." Miyo said, sadly, trying not to break Liu's heart 

"I...I am engaged, Liu" Miyo said, showing her the ring "To...to whom!?!" Liu asked "Gai..." Liu's heart started beating really fast, Gai was stand there, his arms folded leaning on the table. "B..but you said that you weren't ready for this!!"  Liu yelled 

"I...I was ready for this...Liu. I wasn't ready during the championship, that's all. I knew what my mother said, I understood what she meant today. I knew she meant this day, the Nyanyan New Year Eve. She said that one day, I'll become a 20 year old girl and that one special day, I'll become someone's wife, I'll feel love!"  Miyo said, tears in everyone's eyes, especially in Gai's. "So you... lied?" Liu asked "For not breaking you heart.." Miyo replied

1 month time skip (Nyanyan New Year)

After Gai and Miyo's marriage, Liu didn't show up a lot, even if Sean did, he didn't. On Nyanyan New Year, it's a part of time that at midnight, you can go watch the firecrackers. Miyo invited everyone and they all came, also Liu. Staring at the beautiful sky, with colourfull firecrakers.

 Now that's was a fricking good one, I bet! I apologize for being so late and not updatting since two days. Sweet! And I didn't show the marriage part because I'm a hindu and I don't know how marriages work so sorry! 

Bye, See ya!

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