Chapter 2- should i go?

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Well I've been back for two weeks now and I still feel home sick. I have spoke to Madi and she says that she would hate it if I go and I know that If I left I would just want to come back.
We are at practice and Eddie tells me that I'm not trying as hard as I should be. I feel that I'm lacking, but I just miss home. However I don't want to get kicked off the team. This practice I'm trying my hardest, I stuck all the stunts and didn't fall once. Eddie seems impressed, he shouts me over after we have finished.
" now that's the Gabi Butler I want to see, okay?"
I nod and smile
" you need to be like that every practice, people look up to you and you need to show them that you worth being on smoed, right then come in a bit early tomorrow I need to show you some new stunts that will be in the new choreography" Eddie say looking at me
"Okay Eddie I'll be here" I say
He hugs be tells me to get some rest.
I walk to the Madi's moms car, I'm staying with her mom because my mom is in Florida. She asks the usual how was practice me and Madi both say alright. We get home and I walk to by bedroom and I see a letter. I got a letter from my parents yesterday so It wasn't from them. I open it I was in black inc on a yellow piece of paper and in capitals it said NOBODY WANT YOU ON SMOED JUST LEAVE, YOUR RUBBISH ANYWAY JUST GO BACK TO FLORIDA!!!!!. I dropped the letter and just stood there looking down at it. Who would Send me that? It must be someone off the team? But who?. I grab my phone and text Jenee to FaceTime me asap and then run into Madi's room to get to my room. She could tell I was upset and followed Behind me. As I walked back in my phone started ringing, Jenee was face timing me.
I answered and she seemed worried " what's up gabz?" Jenee said, like she was going to cry. Madi asked the same I then tell them about the letter and Jenee then starts the cry. I asked what was up and she said " this may sound weird but I had the exact same letter last week, I didn't tell anyone because they said if I did that they would make sure I was kicked off"
I couldn't believe it who would do that. Madi turns round and says that we should go to get something to eat and get to sleep, as we need to be up early for practice tomorrow. She also says that we should tell Eddie and Orby, me and Jenee agree.
After the FaceTime chat ended, we went down stairs and ate tea, I then showered. I kept on reading the letter. I knew I recognised the hand writing but who was it?
I put he letter down and went to sleep.

I hope you like this chapter, comment what you think should happen and who you think the letter was from.
Bye for now

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