Part 5

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A/N: most of this chapter and about half of last chapter was written from 11pm to 12:45am so pls don't judge any spelling errors or parts that don't make sense (JADE U DONT NEED THIS I EDITED IT UR WELCOME)

We headed off east into the forest, relying on Asher's sense of direction. The rest of us were almost hopeless when it came to directions. I couldn't tell left from right let alone North from South.

Night came quickly, the stars were twinkling and the moon was barely visible through the trees towering above us. I barely noticed the time pass, except I did regret choosing to stay in fox form. Now Magma had full control over my fox and I didn't quite know what to do except let Magma take the reins. There wasn't much to do anyway. We were just heading in one direction and all I could hear was a continuous trod of our feet and the sounds of other creatures that inhabited the woods. I could sense everyone starting to get tired as they dragged their feet, or paws, along the uneven ground. I had a few scratches from not looking where I was going but they healed pretty quickly. I was getting bored with the repetitive scenery, a lake would be nice...or maybe a mountain or hill. I was getting a bit restless. Maybe I should shift soon..."No. You can't shift I want to take control for once. Or I can just take control of you in human form." I could almost see Magma's smirk as I heard his voice in my head. He can be very bossy. 

"We might need to get some sleep soon." Andre looked very tired as he continued walking. Asher stopped abruptly. "We can sleep here for a few hours. Jax and Jay, considering you're in animal form, you can take the first watch. Wake us up after three hours, okay?" We nodded in agreement as they lay down. Andre had a habit of tossing and turning but after an hour he fell into a deep sleep. He was hard to wake up in the morning though. I had to nudge him a few times. "Just 5 more minutes mum." I shook him after getting out of fox form and said, "Andre wake up! It's your time to take watch!" I started shaking him more violently trying to wake him up but to no avail. He still hadn't gotten up. "Just leave him, he probably needs the most sleep anyways. He isn't really an 'all-nighter' person," Asher said. That's true. So in the end Asher took watch as we fell asleep. I woke up to a confused Andre. "You wouldn't wake up, so I took the shift by myself, " Asher explained. Andre drooped his head. "Sorry guys." "It's no big deal," I replied. "You need more sleep than us anyways. No wonder you're the most civil of us." We laughed and gathered our stuff and continued walking. 

After another hour or so I heard the roar of Asher's stomach. "I think we should get something to eat," I said, looking at Asher. He nodded and we followed him, hoping to find some sort of food store. As usual Asher's nose led us straight to food, I felt the air change "guys, stop. We just crossed into another territory, we could be lunch for anyone who stumbles upon us. In this state we'd be easy pickings, everyone shift now" They looked slightly scared at my words but shifted anyways. I forgot how gorgeous Andre's wolf was, it was white with just a few hints of gold streaks through his fur, his eyes were an exotic shade of green. Jax had a grey wolf who's only distinguishing mark was the red stripe down his back and his right ear was red too, his eyes were the typical yellow but they had red streaks. Asher had a dusty brown wolf with cunning purple eyes. Then there's my foxy, Magma with rich fiery fur and dark amber eyes, he had black on his legs and ears.

I  was kind of scared, I had never met their alter ego's/ wolves. I gently nuzzled Andre's side and I saw his in his eyes that we was fighting to keep control. I stepped back a bit before I was tackled by two huge wolves, damn you Asher and Jax why did you have to give your wolves control! Their wolf sides weren't quite what I was expecting from the Beta and Gamma, I expected more fierce warriors who took no shit not this puppyish energy...I guess I was wrong 'shut up, we're never wrong' 'Calm down magma' I shook my head and trotted off a random direction. I mean I could smell food from that direction so it must be the right way. When we arrived I spotted the food, a barbeque. It would take a LOT of speed and courage to do this, well here we go... I motioned for the others to go back a way and then I sprinted from the bushes and grabbed a whole heap of meat. "Hey, you filthy scum get back here" I heard the crack of him shifting and then heavy thuds as he gave chase 'oops!' Magma ignored me and instead took full control and lead us towards a river 'wait! we cant get across a river like this!'.

I struggled with him but it was too late, now we were backed up against the river with no way out and an angry...SHIT that would be a beta, oops well nice knowing you all see you in hell. A ripping growl came from his throat and I crouched low waiting for a killing blow but it never came, instead I found myself protected by Asher and Jax, Andre came over to me and gently nudged me but Magma was in panic mode so he growled. The beta snarled and lunged straight for Jax as he was weaker but Asher sunk his teeth into his back and tossed him away from Jax, now that was the sort of wolf I expected from him. They started to circle each other but a thunderous growl stopped the fight and the beta looked sooo smug, I wanted to just go up to him and bite that ugly smirk right off his stupid wolfie face. The Alpha was in human form and he threw a pair of clothes at his beta "Shift" the beta ducked behind a tree and shifted back and then he glared at us and told Alpha the situation "I was cooking lunch on the barbeque when this dumb fox ran out of nowhere and stole it. When I cornered it these werewolves lunged out and started to protect it so its gotta be a rare fox shifter". The Alpha slowly turned to us "All of you back in human form now" Andre ducked his head and scampered off to get our clothes so they could get changed but I stood my ground and growled.

Andre emerged with a navy blue hoodie and black shorts on "Stop it Magma, don't infuriate the Alpha". I whined and snorted "So you're an Omega huh? what are you doing away from your pack" Andre looked cornered by the Alpha, luckily Andre and Jax stepped in front of him "None of your business" sure I was stupid growling at the Alpha but did Asher WANT to die? "Don't speak to me like that Beta" Asher's nose twitched but he stayed silent and Jax just stood there protectively in front of Andre. "Tell your little fox to shift back" I huffed and sat down 'no way, as a human he will tell we are rogue. stay in fox form Jay, don't risk it' Magma warned me but I ignored his advice, we needed to get through the pack lands and this was the only way left to do it. I shifted back and the change in the Alpha demeanour was immediate, his eyes changed to a dangerous orange and he growled "Rogue, what are you doing in my territory" The others tried to help me but Beta dude growled at them and warned them back. "I am a rogue by force, I need to cross your pack lands...Alpha but we were hungry with no money so I resorted to how I am forced to live. I stole and I won't say sorry so either kill me and let them go or let us through" I don't know what got into me but this was very dumb shit to say to an alpha, very dumb shit indeed "Ah, I see you haven't gone through your inheritance yet. It will be soon, I guess forcing you to face it alone will be torture enough then you can get out of my sight or I WILL kill you." I almost sighed in relief when he subtly allowed us through his terf but he also said he's keeping me here until I go through my inheritance soo maybe not so relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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