Heartbeats: Part 2

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(Yaprak is standing at the door, listening to Ali and Ela's conversation. She smiles as Ali agrees to meet with Ms Ela and breathes out a sigh of relief, hoping that he is finally at a position to forgive his parents' mistakes. She looks up to find Ali staring at her and smiles at him)

Yaprak: Ali...

Ali: Come in, little titan. (sits on the edge of the bed and pats the spot beside him) Sit down.

(Yaprak comes and sits beside him)

Yaprak: That was Ms Ela, right?

Ali: (nods) She wants to meet me today.

Yaprak: You should go, meet her up.

Ali: (nods) Yeah, I am going to.

Yaprak: (hesitantly) Are you still mad at them?

Ali: Yes. But I am trying to work things out, I guess. All of them, Ms Ela included, had been such integral parts of my life. I can't just push them out of my life and pretend that they don't exist.

Yaprak: You can't, Ali. And don't worry. With time, everything will be better.

Ali: (resting his elbows on his knees and looking down) I hope so too, Yaprak.

Yaprak: (puts one arm through the crook of his elbow and presses her cheek on his arm) Maybe you should call Aunt Julide too, hmm? She is worried sick for you, but she won't call until you have given her the green light.

Ali: (smiles and looks at her) She has been calling you, hasn't she?

Yaprak: Of course she has. What did you expect? (smiles proudly) She trusts me. Be glad that I said nothing but good things about you.

Ali: (laughs and shakes his head) What am I going to do without you?

Yaprak: You won't ever have to do without me, Ali kus. I will always be around; annoying you and making sure you don't go crazy.

Ali: (smiles) Glad to have you, little titan.

Yaprak: Glad to have you too. (kisses his cheeks and then touches his dimples) Remember. I want my dimples to be always on your cheeks.

Ali: Your dimples?

Yaprak: (defiantly) Yup, mine. Those dimples are reserved only for me. No one can take them away from me.

Ali: (does a fake curtsy) Yes, my lady.

(Yaprak grins and gets up, pulling Ali with her)

Yaprak: Come on, Oguz is waiting downstairs.

Ali: And Sinan?

Yaprak: (grinning) Breakfast date with his lady love.

Ali: (nods and smiles) Things are really playing out for him, huh?

Yaprak: (nods) Yup. He is our sweetest Sinan, of course. He deserves the best. (pauses) Something happened to Gokhan, right? He has locked himself in his room and won't come out.

Ali: Yeah, let's go down. I will tell you everything.

Yaprak: Shouldn't we try to make him come out of his room?

Ali: (shakes his head) Give him some time. I doubt he will want to speak to us right now.

Yaprak: (frowning) That bad, huh?

Ali: (nods) That bad. Let's go.

(Sinan is sitting at the cafe, waiting for Ece. He finally spots her and waves at her)

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