☁Chapter Three☁

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Gon's POV



In the end, we only filmed ourselves getting to know each other. I still couldn't describe this feeling, and I didn't know what was happening. I already arrived at home. To be honest, it was the first time I've ever gone to someone's house and it was so much fun, especially with Killua... 'I hope we can hang out again...' I sighed then went to my bathroom. My eyes grazed over a locked box that I had accidentally left on the bathroom counter. I opened it and and glanced at the sharp razors I had used to cut myself the night before. I had the urge to grab it. My hands shakily reached towards a blade, but stopped. I retreated my hand. I tried shaking off the urge. Then the image of Killua smiling came to my mind. My heart skipped a beat and I felt heat rising to my cheeks.

My eyes softened and I slightly smiled. The urge was gone. This was the first time I stopped myself from continuing, which surprised me. I put away the box in the back of the cabinet. I decided to hit the hay and quickly fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

Killua's POV


I couldn't stop smiling. I felt really happy with Gon. But something made me worried. Gon was wearing a long sleeved shirt when he came here, but when his arms moved, I could see bandages on his arms. I didn't want to mention it in case it was personal, but couldn't help but worry. 'What if he's injured? Or even worse, abused? No, his sweet Aunt Mito would never do that. What if he's hurting himself? Just like how I was before?' I frantically thought, trying to find an answer.

I found myself chewing on my nails. It was a nervous habit of mine that I never got rid of. 'What would he think of my past if he found out? Would we still be friends?' I became anxious at the thought. I wanted to continue being friends with him, or maybe even more.

'Ahahaha, wouldn't it be funny if I fell in love with him?' I thought. 'But maybe if I did... it wouldn't be so bad...' I buried my face into my pillow and mentally screamed. I pictured Gon's bright smile from when we hung out, and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

My cheeks felt very warm. I touched my cheeks and I noticed that I was blushing. 'Why am I blushing?' I widened my eyes. 'DO I LIKE HIM?! I ONLY MET HIM TODAY. WHY IS EVERYTHING GOING SO FASTTTTTTT.' I gave it some thought. My heart started fluttering as I thought about Gon and his big amber eyes, his adorable smile, loud but comforting laughter, and his beautiful soft-looking but spiky black hair. I confirmed it, I liked him. I wanted to test my feelings more so I decided to put it off for now. I checked the time, and it was already midnight. I had spent the whole evening thinking about Gon. 'Ugh, we have school tomorrow, better get to bed. I still need to post my video today so I'll do that now.' I had already edited the video since I usually edited my videos very fast. I clicked upload and sighed of relief. I rolled into bed and blacked out for the night.

(The next day)

I woke up refreshed. I propped myself on my bed and stretched. I looked at my alarm clock and it read 7:45am. I widened my eyes. 'THE BUS GETS HERE AT 8. GODDAMMIT CLOCK, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?!' I rushed to get ready and made it to the bus stop just in time.

As I was walking to the bus stop, I saw a familiar raven haired boy and caught up to him.

"Hey, Gon!" I waved.

"A-AH! O-oh, hey, K-killua... " he answered a bit startled. I smiled at him, and he awkwardly smiled back. 'Heh, that was a bit cute... ' I thought with a blush. I noticed he was holding his phone and had an earbud in one of his ears. I looked over him, and he was watching the video of us that we filmed yesterday. I burned a bit at the thought of him watching us interact.

I haven't checked the comments yet and was kinda intrigued to see what people thought of Gon. I took out my phone and opened Youtube to scroll through the comments. At the very sight of the first few comments, my face flushed.

SnowflakeBubbles-57 mins ago

Omg, do you think there is something between them? They are literally flirting!

Bad_Karma-23 mins ago

I didn't know Killu was gay, it was so obvious in this video. Look at them blushing!

Babydoodles- 1 hr ago


FluffyCookie- 2 hrs ago

They are totes together. No doubt about it. Really cute, ngl!! <3

My face was a tomato. 'Oh lord, PLEASE tell me Gon didn't read those comments!' I looked up at his face, and I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks. 'NOOOO. DID HE READ THOSE? I'M GONNA DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT AHHHHHH-'

"Hey, Killua?"


"I-uh saw those comments and um-"

The bus came and students started loading on. 'THANK GOD, SAVED BY THE BUS.'

"Um- we can talk about that later. We need to get our seats before it gets full!" I rushed. I pulled him by his sleeve to pull him onto the bus before it left. We waddled our way into two empty seats and plopped down. I sighed in relief.

"Killua, about those comments..." Gon started to say. I panicked.

"Can we just ignore those comments? And just tell your subscribers that we aren't together? Cause we are only just friends..." Gon finished, looking away with a slight blush. I felt a tang of pain in my chest, like I was hurt.

"S-sure! I'll be sure to tell them that those rumors aren't t-true... " I laughed nervously. There was an awkward silence, but eventually we started talking like normal again.

The bus came to a stop and we loaded off the bus. As we walked through the front doors, people stopped to look at us and started whispering.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading this story! I'm so happy that so many like this story! I might update another chapter of the story later today because I had lots of free time this week so I wrote multiple chapters! I'm really happy that my stories are getting some attention, so again, thank you so much! Love you guys! <3 Electricgay, out!! :)))

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