☁Chapter Sixteen☁

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Killua's POV


I almost fell off my bed when I remembered that the photos are gonna be released today. I was getting anxious 'God, why the fUCK did I agree to this?! Oh right, I was dumb enough to accept because of my stupid crush on my BEST FRIEND, YOU DUMBFUCK AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.' Then I realized what could happen to Gon. 'What if he gets bullied again?? WHAT IF HE GETS BEATEN UP?! ALL OF THIS WOULD BE MY FAULT!!! AHHHH I GOTTA STAY BY HIS SIDE THIS WHOLE WEEK, OR SOMETHING OR HAPPEN.'

I spun my head around to the direction of my clock. 7:07. I sighed in relief that I won't be late. I got ready and headed off to Gon's house, just so, um, ahaha, I could see him. Totally not because I like him or anything pshhh.

I strolled right into his house where he is eating breakfast in the kitchen. His eyes immediately brightened up.

"Killua! You're here!" he smiled. Then confusion hit his face. "Wait, you never meet me at my house. Is something wrong?"

"N-no. Just wanted to see you!" I chirped. He gave me a smirk.

"Or is it because you're scared about what's gonna happen today?" he teased.

"N-n-no! Definitely not! What makes you think t-that!"

"Killua, we'll be fine. Or rather, I'll be fine. I'm not gonna get hurt because of some photos we took. They are only photos for the company, not some personal photos that were somehow leaked onto the internet. It doesn't mean anything." Gon said softly.


Kinda hurt when he said it didn't mean anything. But what do you expect from him? He's so oblivious. (A/N: -_- Killua, you absolute duMBFUCK. He LIKES you dumbass! He just hasn't concluded it yet.)

"I-I know! I'm not dumb! I just- I don't want you to get hurt again... "

"I'll be fine! I have you right by my side after all!" he grinned. I burned up.

"B-baka! T-that's embarrassing!" I sputtered. He giggled. He offered me some breakfast and I accepted since I haven't eaten anything yet.

We headed off to school but no one seemed to be looking or saying anything to us. 'That's weird. Usually someone would have a remark by now.' By the time we entered the classroom, everyone stopped and stared at us. 'Ah, there it is, The stares.' Then a crowd of people surround us, basically ignoring our personal space. Questions were thrown in the air.

"I didn't know you guys were models. What's it like?"

"Hmph, totally forgot you were gay. Is Gon gay too?"

"Are you guys dating???!!"

My face was red. "Woah guys! Calm down! Let us through without any of your skin cells touching us please! We have personal space you know!" I yelled. We shuffled our way through the crowd but they followed us to our seats. I sighed. I checked on Gon and he didn't seem to be uncomfortable besides the fact one of the students leaned into his face and asked him something. 'I guess he isn't used to interacting with people in real life beside being online.' More and more questions were being thrown at us until I've had enough.


Silence immediately took over the room. You could hear crickets chirping because of how quiet it was. I was burning. Not in anger, but embarrassment that they had to hear me yell at them. Then it became rowdy again. I groaned in defeat that my outburst didn't work.

"Hey, did you guys kiss yet???" one girl asked. It took me so off guard I fell off my chair.

"W-what? N-no!" I croaked. Another burst of energy ran through the group, upset we didn't kiss. Others in the room were rolling their eyes and whispering to each other. I assumed they were homophobes, talking behind our backs like that.

"Alright class! Go back to your seats! Gossiping is not gonna take a part of my class. We have many things to do!" Mrs. Bisky yelled. 'We're saved!'

Both me and Gon sighed in relief and the crowd scurried to their desks.


"Truth or Dare?" I asked Gon.

"Truth, I'm gonna play it safe."

We were on live, playing Truth or Dare. We were gonna use the comments section to get some dares from my followers.

"What's your most embarrassing secret as a kid?"

"Ahaha, um, I uh, used to watch slime videos back then." he laughed nervously. I bursted out laughing.

"Slime videos?? I didn't expect you to like slime!" I wheezed.

"Hey! It's not my fault they're so aesthetically pleasing." he pouted. "Okok, my turn!" he took over the computer and scrolled through. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm not a wus."

"They dare you to let me text anyone on your phone."


He texted someone and I snatched it back to see who he texted.


Hey, I have a rash on my asscheek.

Mind checking it out for me?

My face burned. "Gon! Why?! It could've been something else!" I got a ding.


Wtf, I know I'm going to be a doctor but I'm not checking your musty asscheek.




I tackled Gon and tickled him in revenge. He was out of breath as I finished tickling him and we went back to the live. I scrolled through the comments.

"Why are there so many dares for us to kiss? Jeez, guys we aren't gonna kiss, we're just friends." The comments exploded, begging for us to kiss.

"I mean, if it's a dare, I would be fine with it." Gon said.


"I mean, it's a dare. It'll be good to give what the viewers want, right? It's just a game." The comments exploded again.

"Do you have any idea what you just said?" I blushed.

"Yeah, kissing you? I wouldn't mind." My face erupted.

"Fine, since it's a dare... but it doesn't mean we will date, guys!" I faced the camera.

Gon leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. I couldn't process what was happening. I literally was buffering. My gay panic was activating. My face flushed so hard, I was a cherry. 'His lips- HE ACTUALLY KISSED ME AHHHHAHCDNHDBHDEV IT WAS SO SOFT AHHHKANBNDBJDEBD.'

Steam was coming out of my head from how hard I was blushing. I took a peek at the comments and everyone was very happy. Gon was smiling cheekily at me. I buried my face into my hands and mentally yelled.

'It finally happened... our first kiss...'

A/N: thank you @purplefairy092009  for allowing me to use your idea! Hopefully you don't mind me crediting you! <3 I also checked the status of this fanfic and omg it has 8k views! Thank you so much! And it's #7 on the killugon hashtag?! I'm so happy ahsgdjxvbxvxncbv thank youuuu I'll give all you guys a forehead kith muah muah.  Anyways, gotta bounce so I can do art and actually sit down and practice and not procrastinate since I want to major in art agsgcjdh. Thank you guys so much once again! Electricgay, out! :))) <3 <3

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