☁Chapter Eight☁

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Gon's POV


"Hey, there Cloudies! It's Killu here and I'm here to confess something... "

My eyes widened at the abnormal sentence Killua said in his intro as I watched his video. But then I received a text message from Killua. I paused the video to text him back.


morning, Gon! have you watched my recent video yet? it's kinda important...


Just started watching it. I heard the intro. Is something wrong?


nothing's wrong! It's just a very big part of me that I confessed. just text me what you think when you're done watching the video!


Oh, ok!

I continued the video.

"I've been keeping this for awhile now, and I think that you guys deserve to know since all of you are very important to me... " Killua started while biting his lips. 'Why was that cute?'

"I'm... gay... " I widened my eyes and my heart started beating way faster than before. "So, this is my coming out video. I've known this for awhile now, although I only found out recently. And yes, I have someone in mind right now, though I don't know if he likes me back ahaha... " he said sheepishly, rubbing the side of his neck. I felt hurt. 'He's has someone else in his mind? Why do I feel hurt? What are these feelings?' I was so confused, but I continued watching.

"I hope you guys will accept me no matter what and I know most of you will. Now many of you might be asking how I found out I was gay, well... I just fell, real hard for someone. Although he might not know it, I love him very, very much. Even though he's a stupid idiot who gets himself into trouble so much, he's my idiot, and nothing can change that, we've been through so much shit together, and I wanna protect him from everything. Everytime I'm around him, I feel like I'm on cloud nine, but not quite... maybe I can experience the feeling if we get together. Hell, I don't even know if he's gay or not. If he doesn't love me back, I just want him to be happy. I would do anything for him... even if it meant leaving him... if that's what he wants, I'll do it just for him because I love him so much. I'll be heartbroken, but yes, I'll do it. If any homophobes come after me, just know, I have 11 million followers! Don't test me!" he winked.

I felt so broken. I wished that I was the one he cared so much about, even though I still didn't know why. I wanted to cry. But then I realized that I finished the video. I decided to put it off and texted Killua.


I just finished the video.


Oh, um, whaddya think?


I totally accept you!

You are still you and if anyone hates on you for being gay,

I'll have a talk with them. >:)




but thanks for accepting me and caring for me. :))


I'm your best friend! Of course

I would accept you and care! I really hope that

the special someone you were talking about

likes you back! If they don't like you back, they don't deserve you! :)


thanks, Gon, you're the best!


I know ;)

I felt sad after saying that. I wanted Killua all to myself, as his best friend. 'That's what friends do, right? Wanting to have each other to themselves? Why am I feeling this way? He's my best friend! What is this?!' My phone got a notification telling me that Killua would see me soon at the bus stop on the way to school.

I decided to go to the stop a bit early since I was bored waiting. I skipped out the house with my backpack and frisked to the stop. There were a few people around but not the normal amount since it was still a bit early. Some were glancing at me, while murmuring to their friends when one of the girls who was with a group of friends walked towards me. She introduced herself as her other friends snickered.

"Hi! I'm Shelia!" she said with the fakest smile I've seen.

"Um- hi?" I slightly waved, knowing what was gonna happen but also confused.

"So~" she started as she tried a seductive stance as I heard her friends snickering even more. I raised an eyebrow. "Would you like to go on a date with me~?" she showed me her puppy dog eyes, as if that would make me agree.

"Sorry, I'm gay!" I blurted out, facepalming myself mentally. She furrowed her eyebrows and I walked away before anything else happened. I heard all of her friends laughing at her for being rejected by the least popular kid at school.

"I wouldn't wanna be friends with a fag anyways!" she yelled angrily at me. Not gonna lie, those words stung a little bit. I stood as far away from them as possible when Killua suddenly came into view.

"Yo!" Killua strided next to me with his hands in his pockets. I smiled and waved. "So what happened? You're so far away from your usual spot."

"Some girl was dared to ask me out." I explained.

"Oh? Whaddya say?"

"I told her I was gay." I answered, scrolling through my phone. Killua raised an eyebrow.

"Are you though? Or was it just to keep her away?"

"I honestly don't know. I mean, I've never really had crushes on girls or anything like that. But I never really thought too much about it. So, I guess I'm questioning... ?" I shrugged. I started noticing that more students started staring at us from afar and murmurs were arising in the air. "Anyways, about you, did people take your coming out well? I haven't checked the comments yet."

"There were a few in denial and a few hurtful comments but otherwise, everyone else accepted it or knew it from the beginning." Killua laughed. "Anyways, were you doing alright last night?

"Yeah... I was doing ok. I didn't do anything. I was just contemplating my life." I answered. Killua looked at me, with proudness showing in his eyes and a smile. My heart started fluttering again, and I felt happy that he cared so much. 'I mean, it's what friends do, right? Caring so much about each other?'

"Why were you contemplating your life?" Killua chuckled.

"Oh, I don't know, just asking the universe if I deserve to have you as my best friend." I told him. It was kind of a lie, although I did think about that. I was also thinking about my feelings towards Killua.

"B-baka! Don't say such things! Of course you deserve me! You deserve someone who cares about you! You've been through so much! I lo-" Killua stopped himself, and blushed a deep red.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"What were you gonna say?"

"N-nothing!" Killua answered, waving his hands around and looked away with such a deep blush. I blushed a bit at the cuteness.

"Ok then... " I said suspiciously. The bus finally came and we boarded on and started the school day.

A/N: AHVSJSGSGSHDGS WHAT WAS KILLUA GONNA SAY??? Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll be updating another chapter today in just a few minutes! So I'll see you guys in a bit! Electricgay, out!

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