Levi Gomill

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Monday morning rolls around after a weekend of Kairi and Alvaro ignoring all of Mattia's texts and calls. He gets to school fifteen minutes late and goes straight to meet the new girl Eve at the bleachers like he always does .

"Eve," he greets.
"Lookin good as always."

"Why thank you kind sir i wish i could be saying the same for you though" she replies,

"your looking rough"

"Just been having some late nights. Thinking, and all that." he says as they both go sit.

"Sounds dangerous" she teases

"And what have your thoughts been of?" she then asks

He ponders for a moment, not knowing if he should let Eve know the truth.

"About the beautiful girl sitting right next to me of course" he says smiling and she blushes

he lied.

She started rambling on about how sweet he is but he wasn't paying attention, he was still thinking about the person who might have been Kairi's first kiss.

he quickly gets up and Eve looks at him in confusion.

"i better leave now i have some talking to do with Alejandro" He says and leaves before she could even say anything.

he walks into his class late, the teacher doesn't bother yelling at him since it's always been the same, he sits next to alejandro who was writing down notes.

"Yo ale" he whispers

Alejandro rolls his eyes

"What do you want Mattia"

"i think i know Kairi kissed"

He narrows his eyes at him

"Mattia if he doesn't want to tell us then he doesn't have to and that's the end of it. Kairi's life is hard enough as it is with all the homophobes in this fucking town."

"But I want to know!" he complains,

"I don't want to give him a hard time about it. I just want to know. I have to know. Kairi's never kept anything from me before. I was the first one he told he was gay, y'know."

"No, you weren't. Robert was."

"Of course Robert was, that's why he doesn't count, I was the first of everyone else."

Alejandro just sighed and continued on writting

"Look, I just want to make sure that whoever this guy is, he won't hurt Kairi your right his life is hard enough as it fucking is. I don't want some closeted douchebag stringing him along and breaking his heart." Mattia said trying to whisper as low as possible but loud enough for Alejandro to hear

"He's made it pretty clear he doesn't want us knowing anything," Alejandro reminds him, he then stops and thinks for a quick second

"But... but I guess you're right. We don't want him getting hurt." he finally says, looking at Mattia

"Exactly!" he agrees

"We won't even tell Kai that we know. We'll just casually keep an eye on the guy."

"Nothing about you is casual, Mattia besides do you even know who the guy is?"

"I'm pretty sure i know" he says, and his stomach feels uncomfortably tight for a reason he doesn't understand, so he ignores it.

"You know that guy in his math class? The one that tutored him last semester when I got myself two months worth of lunchtime detentions so I couldn't anymore?"

"Levi Gomill ?" he asks

Mattia nods, once again ignoring the way his stomach feels even weirder now.

"Oh, I – I guess that actually makes sense.. he should be a good one for Kairi, not that bad looking either. happy for him"

"He's not that good," Mattia disagrees. "He's a total nerd and looks horrible."

the bell rings.

"Do you hear yourself Mattia" Alejandro says as he packs his things

"Whatever Rosario. He's not cuter than me. And he's definitely not cuter than Kairi."

Alejandro gets up and so does Mattia

"What's the plan, then? How do we find out whether he's good enough?" Alejandro asks

"Invite him to sit with us at lunch, obviously" Mattia replied walking out the class with him

they both get to Alejandro's locker

"Okay, i can invite him over, i have him next period" he says opening his locker and putting some notebooks in

"Sounds good also afterschool give me the notes you took in that class i didn't pay attention for shit"

"of course you didn't, see you at lunch Mattia"

the both went their separate ways, Mattia was going down the hall but soon spots Eve, he quickly turns around and heads another way hoping she didn't see him.

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