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When Mattia walks into the cafeteria, lunch in his hand, he immediately sees Alvaro already at their usual table all alone

"Sup Alvaro" He says as he sits down on the seat across from him.

Alvaro just glared at him

"im not talking to you" was all he said

"What? Why?" Mattia asks in confusion

"Is this why you ignored my texts all weekend?"

"Yeah , i was with kairi" Alvaro mumbled

"I texted Kai to hang out too. What have I done?" Mattia pauses for a moment

"Is Kairi mad at me as well?"

Alvaro scoffs. "He should be but he isn't"

"What the fuck have I done?" Mattia says almost desperate to know what was going on.

Alvaro ignores him and continues to eat his food

Mattia rolls his eyes being annoyed by his actions

"Will you just fucking tell me so you can, y'know, stop being mad at me?"

Alvaro's head snaps up

"might take a while for me to stop being mad at your stupid ass"

"Alvaro just tell me!"

"Tell you what?" Kairi asks, suddenly beside them.

He drops his lunch next to Kairi's and takes the seat beside him too, unpacking his stuff and laying it all out on the table

"Alvaro is mad at me," Mattia explains, gesturing at Alvaro

"And he won't tell me why and he said you should be mad at me too! What the fuck have I done?"

Kairi just stares at Alvaro and kicks him under the table, Alvaro winced in pain

"You didn't do anything Mattia," Kairi says calmly

"And Alvaro isn't fucking mad at you. He's fine. Aren't you, Alvaro?"

"No, I'm mad" Alvaro replies

Mattia looks at both of them suspiciously.

"I don't fucking believe that for a second so i'm going to need you two fuckers to let me in on whatever little secret you've got going on here." he says looking at the two short boys

"There's no fucking secret," Kairi assures, but he doesn't sound certain.

"He's not mad at you. I'm not mad at you. So let's move the fuck on."

"I don't wanna move the fuck on," Mattia states, biting angrily at his sandwich in small sections.

"Clearly something is going on here that I don't understand and it's obvious, so I'd like to fucking know please and thanks."

"I fucking hate you Alvaro" Kairi mutters.

Mattia was about to go on trying to bug the two boys about it but then the rest of his friends came in.
They're all already having their own conversations, which Kairi happily sweeps himself up into, leaving a curious Mattia out of it all.

He's so caught up in being anxious over what in the hell is going on, that he totally forgets about his plan, right up until the moment Levi fucking Gomill appears.

"Sup guys" he said and Alejandro quickly introduced him to the rest of the group and signaled him to sit down

Everyone said their hellos and everything all except for Mattia who just looks at him as if he was disgusted.

"Hey Levi, so what brings you around to sit with us?" Kairi asks sweetly

"Alejandro invited me" Levi replied smiling at the small boy and taking the seat next to him.

Mattia takes a second to take him in trying to see whether he's good enough for Kairi. Levi stands at around 6', maybe 6'1 Mattia still got a few inches taller than him at 6'3", which makes him smile a little smugly. He's got light brown hair, short and neat, and had a good figure, dressed really nice as well.

Mattia thought that maybe he was kind of good looking

Kairi deserves better though.

Mattia just stared at Kairi and Levi, they were laughing about something.

He's not even sure why he's so annoyed at Levi, he didn't like him.

"Oh Levi, I meant to ask earlier are we still on for tomorrow?" Kairi asks.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Mattia asks immediately, way too loud that everyone else's conversation on the table stopped to look at him. He clears his throat, feeling a little awkward as Kairi looks at him confused.

"I mean umm I didn't know you two hung out." Mattia finally says

"He's tutoring me," Kairi explains

"You look like you're in pain Mattia do you need to go to the nurse?" he says with a small worried expression

"I'm fine" he says. it was a lie.

"Tutoring you in in what? In math? But he doesn't need to I can do it if you need me to Kai."

"I offered," Levi answers, and Mattia glares at him.

Mattia was talking to Kairi, so why the fuck is this guy answering?

"I don't mind turtoring Kairi he's pretty fun to hang with if i'm being honest"

Kairi laughs a little, turning back to Levi in what appears to be some kind of private joke the two have going on. Mattia hates it.

"Yo Mattia you good?" Roshaun asks

"Im good" Mattia says, not turning his eyes away from Kairi and Levi

"So Kai my tutoring not good enough for you?" Mattia blurts out without even thinking

Kairi pauses his conversation with Levi then he turns back to Mattia with a slightly irritated eye roll.

"Your tutoring was fine Mattia but Levi already knows where I am on the topics and he's said he's happy to help me, so i don't really need you to tutor me anymore" Kairi says

"Well fuck you then" Mattia snaps, angrily standing up and ignoring the way everyone is staring at him in complete surprise

Mattia leaves the lunchroom and pretends he didn't see the look of hurt on Kairi's face and the confused looks from the others.

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