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Rory arrived back to Stars Hollow and as soon as she sat on her old bed In her old room, she called Logan.

"Ace." Logan answered sleepily.

"Oh I'm sorry for waking you. I forgot about the time difference. I just wanted to tell you I'm back home and we made it here safely. Luke and Lorelai are still on their honeymoon but they will be home in two days."

"Good, Ace. I'm glad you and baby Ace are ok. I already miss you!"

"I know I miss you so much too! But hey, am I allowed to go see our house or should I wait?"

"You can go see it Ace! You'll love it! It has so much space and it's one of the bigger houses in Stars Hollow."

"Yeah I guessed that part. I'm just glad we will finally be living together again. It'll feel like a family once this little one pops out."

"Haha yeah Ace."

"So Logan?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"I want to tell you that I love you and I'm ready. In Omnia Paratus." She said with a smile.

"Ready for what?" He grinned but still confused.

"Think about it. Goodnight Logan."

"Ok I will, good night baby." He said and she hung up.


The next day was a beautiful day, Rory was getting ready to go see her and Logan's new house when she heard a frantic knock on her door.

She walked up to the door and answered it. It was Jess. He looked as though he ran here and

he was panting and sweating.

"What's wrong Jess?" Rory asked, a little startled.

Jess tried to catch his breath while he said, "Luke.... Lorelai..." he said, stumbling on his words because he was out of breath.

"What Jess? What about Luke and Mom? Are they ok?" She said inviting him in.

Jess caught his breath, "Lorelai passed out this morning and Luke brought her to the hospital where they are staying. He called me to tell you. I don't know why he called me but he just did. We need to get there and fast. Lorelai needs you and Luke is freaking out because he hates hospitals."

"Oh my god!" She yelled, when she felt a kick in the ribs. "Ow."

"You ok?" Jess asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, baby Ace is just excited."

"Oh ok. Baby Ace? What's that name all about?"

"It's a nickname that Logan calls me, Ace. So he's been calling it Baby Ace. So it just stuck."

"Oh ok. So you and Logan worked things out?" He said sitting on the couch.

"Uh yeah we did. He bought us a house here in Stars Hollow. I was just about to go see it when you came."

"Oh yeah, why I came.. we need to get you to Hawaii. Do you have a way we could get there?"

"Actually I might."

Rory ran into her bedroom and picked up her phone and called Logan,

"Logan babe, moms in trouble, something happened and she's in the hospital."

"Ace. Calm down. I'm calling Colin right now to get his jet and rush to pick you up and bring you. I'll get the boys to come help too. I'll be there soon Ace. Just hang on. Stay calm. Is there anyone there with you?"

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