Special 3: It Ain't Cold

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This takes place in January X817.

The quiet snow fell with tenderness. It lightly kissed the ground before settling in. Like a mother holding her newborn. The lack of a wind kept the flames from going wild, allowing a gorgeous gray and white scenery to unfold. Five solid inches had accumulated over two nights. Luckily, Magnolia's winter foliage was quite sturdy and resisted the weather change.

Christmas had only occurred last week. Like every year, though, it flashed in everyone's eyes before making an apparent disappearance into eternity. Some people, well, they didn't see Christmas as a one-day thing. Crispin Fullbuster was one of those people. He enjoyed the after-holiday sales and giving people presents up to a month after it ended.

The fifteen-year-old Ice-Water mage woke up and stretched. He looked around his bedroom. Just five feet away was a sleeping, thirteen-year-old Jay. The blue-haired boy was curled up under his covers. Cris debated on whether or not to wake his little brother. He decided against it. After all, the time was 7 in the morning.

So, he sat on his phone for twenty minutes to allow his body to wake up. Then he slowly rolled out of bed and headed downstairs. His father sat in his underwear at the table on his phone. His mother was humming over a boiling pot of oatmeal.

"Good morning, Cris! How are you?" she said with a smile. Cris smiled back.

"I'm doing good, so far!" he answered.

"Excellent. Juvia is making oatmeal today. Would you like some?" his mother offered.

"Ooh! Yes, please, Mom!"

Cris took a seat next to his father. The round, wooden table only had four chairs.

"Morning, dad," he said in a casual manner.

"Morning," Gray replied.

"Cris, is Jay awake?" Juvia inquired.

"Nope. He's still out," her son answered.

"Will you get him up?" Gray asked. His son nodded and stood up.

"Sure, no problem!" he said. Gahh why is it always me?

The teenager walked over to the bed. After staring for a couple seconds, he violently shook the sleeping lump!

"Mmmmmmm...go awayyyyy," Jay mumbled. He turned away.

"Nope. Mom made oatmeal for breakfast. Dad told me to wake you up," Cris answered. Jay sighed and pulled the covers up over his head. His brother responded by pulling them down to his waist. The boy quickly sat up and yanked the covers back. Cris sighed and dragged them down to his feet. Jay immediately pulled them back up.

"Oh, come on! At least come downstairs," the older one said.

"Hmf. No thanks," the younger one grumbled. His brother sighed. Then he headed to the stairs.

"Mom made oatmeal, just so you know," he said. Jay sniffed. Indeed. Juvia's homemade oatmeal was absolutely delicious. Especially after she added the syrup and brown sugar right as it came off the stove. In a hurry, the blue-haired boy leapt out of bed and ran downstairs!

Just as he sat at the table, his mother served him a piping hot bowl.

"Thank you!" he cried. His dark eyes gleamed with excitement. Juvia served Gray and Cris their food before getting herself breakfast.

"Oh! Merry Christmas everyone!" the latter announced.

"Huh? Cris it's been gone a week," the former corrected. His son shook his head.

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