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Another day of our trip has begun. We are already after a delicious, hearty breakfast. Soon our entire class goes to the beach. There, our task will be to describe the landscape, this description will then be assessed in our school by teachers. When we complete our task, we will be able to swim and sunbathe. About 10 minutes later we were on the beach. We spread our blankets, took a comfortable seat and started to describe everything that surrounds us. I tried very hard because I care about good grades.

It took me about 30 minutes to write this description. I gave my job to my teacher and started sunbathing. After a while my friends joined me. The boys went swimming.

- Girls, see how awesome my tan is.- Amelie said and showing us her hands which were perfectly tanned

- You fucking got it right. I always sunbathe red. - Mads laughed

- Easy, me too. - Dixie said indifferently

- How's Cynthia getting on with Quinton? - Avani asked looking at Cynthie

- Well. I'm glad he is reciprocating my feelings.- Parker announced and showed us some pictures of her and her boyfriend.

- And when we talk about love, I would like to tell you something. - Amelie said

- Yes? - I asked, I wonder what he has to say to us.

- I like Blake. Very very! I don't really have a chance with him, but I'm ashamed to talk to him. - Amelie told us

- I'll help you. - I replied

- How? - Amelie asked curiously

- You know I get along with Josh and he is a friend of Blake. Maybe I could talk to Blake and tell him something about you. - I suggested

- I love you! - Amelie hugged me with joy

- I love you too! - I whispered in her ear

I decided to fulfill my promise right away. I got up, brushed the sand off my feet, and headed for the water. I immediately headed towards the swimming boys. It was Anthony who saw me first.

- Nessa, what's here? - he asked standing next to me

- Oh hello Ness. - Noah said smiling broadly at me

Now a whole group of boys were standing next to me. I decided to start the conversation very naturally.

- How are you? - she asked, looking at each of them

- Boredom. I would have fun at some party. - Griffin replied immediately

- Cool, why are you asking? - Bryce spoke this time

- I'm just asking. Maybe there is some party tonight? - I suggested

- Actually, I'd like to go. - Quinton agreed with me

- Okay, that's cool. And look how nice Amelie looks. She is really a really cool person. Additionally, she is very funny, cheerful and loved. The perfect candidate for a girl. - I was implementing my plan

- Yeah, she's very hot. - Blake confirmed

Oh fuck! Managed to! Blake also likes Amelie! She will be so happy! I said goodbye to the guys and walked towards the girls. I immediately told them about everything that happened.

* 4 hours later *
Just finished getting ready for the party we're going to soon. The teacher let us go there so I'm very happy. Our entire class will be there! My styling looks like this:

 Our entire class will be there! My styling looks like this:

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I also have light makeup and curls. I'm ready to play. We've all already set off on a drog to a nearby club. I can not wait. The girls also look stunning. After about 7 minutes, we reached our destination. We entered the great building where the club was located. Loud music and voices from many people were heard. It's going to be a nice evening. We sat down at one table with the girls. Addison ordered us drinks which a waiter brought us moments later. We talked about all possible topics. Suddenly a group of alien, muscular guys approached us. They started to harass in a very vulgar way. I felt very stressed out because they didn't seem like very nice men. After the faces of the girls, I noticed that for them this situation is also not interesting. Fortunately, after a while the boys from our class came to our rescue. They stood next to this group of guys who are teasing us.

- Do you have any problem with them? - Bryce asked

- If you have a problem with them, you have a big problem with us, do you understand? As soon as I see that even for a moment you made them feel bad, I promise you that you can pray to God and ask for help. - Josh said with a raised voice

The men left us. The boys from Sway sat down next to us. It's nice that they protected us so. Richards sat down next to me. I felt our legs touching because it was really tight. Me and him kept making eye contact. I didn't know how to start a conversation.

- I didn't know you were so aggressive, Joshua.- I laughed, remembering Josh's threats against a group of these men

- You don't know a lot about me yet. - he whispered in my ear

- Really? You know, I'd love to know. I want to know you better and better and better.- I said looking him straight in the eyes.

- All in good time. - he replied calmly

- And when will this be a good time? - I asked

- Maybe even soon. - he whispered

He grabbed my hand and we went towards the court to get some air. We stood looking at the building around.

- You know what? My name fits perfectly with your surname. - I said what I thought

- Are you suggesting something? - he laughed

- No, but admit I'm right. - I also laughed

- You're right. By the way, you have a beautiful smile. - at this point, I had a mindfuck for a while.

Oh fuck! Josh Richards gave me a compliment. I thought it was about to explode there. I smiled gently.

- Thanks. - I laughed

- I'm telling the truth. - Josh said seeing my strange amusement

- Yes I understood. - I calmed down my strange burst of laughter

- Are we going back to the party? - he asked after a moment of silence

- Yeah. - I answered briefly

We walked back to the club. In the crowd I found my friends with whom I started dancing to brilliant music. This is probably one of the craziest parties I've been to. The only drawback of such events is that there are a lot of people there, which makes it really crowded. But despite this, I had a wonderful time. Every now and then there were better and better musical hits, to which it was wonderful to dance!

Suddenly I felt hands on my hips. I immediately turned to the person behind me. It's Josh. We looked at each other's eyes. I was looking forward to this until he spoke up.

- Will we dance? - He asked, looking at my lips every now and then which made me think for a moment that my lipstick was smeared.

Of course, I agreed. I admit that we danced great. I had a better time with each passing moment. Josh Richards is possibly a miracle worker, when he shows up, things change for the better. He's probably the second god.

* 3 hours later *
I am tired already. I decided to go back to the hotel. My friends are still there, but I have enough fun for today so I'm coming back. As soon as I left, Josh caught up with me.

- Are you running from me? - he laughed

- Exactly. - I replied ironically

- I'm sad. - Richards replied

- Oh! What would cheer you up? - I asked looking at him every now and then

- You know .. - He looked at me with perverted eyes

- Stop it. Something  another .. - I laughed understanding what he meant

- A hug from Nessa Barrett. Will it be dealt with? - he said

Through the words, I approached him and hugged him tightly. I cuddled up to him. I could smell his male perfume. I felt like in heaven.

After this nice gesture, we returned to the hotel together and we both went to sleep to have strength for everything tomorrow.

Josh Richards&Nessa Barrett - DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now