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Days passed and the situation between Richards and me did not change completely. She still ignores him because his lies hurt me a lot. I cannot forget it, despite many attempts to forgive him, I still cannot explain to myself why he did this. Maybe he had a reason but he didn't realize how much he could change everything between us. I can understand many situations, but his conversation with Griffin clearly indicated that Josh was trying to get rid of me this way. It really hurts the heart the more after so many months of love. I still hadn't got his apology, or any attempt to reconcile with me. This is not what I expected from him. I thought we were a good duo. I thought our relationship would last as long as possible, but unfortunately I was wrong.

Today is New Year's Eve and the end of this crazy year. I spend this day with my best friends. I was invited to a party at SwayHouse. I agreed, but only because all the girls are going there. The party starts in 2 hours. I started preparing myself. First, I started choosing my styling. I chose a brocade knee-length dress and black high heels. The next step was the haircut. So I used a curling iron to create some delicate curls. Time for makeup. Today I decided to do a stronger, more visible make-up that definitely suits my outfit better. It was approaching 20:00. Together with the girls we got into the Uber ordered by the guys and we went to SwayHouse. The house was already brilliantly decorated. Addison grabbed my hand and we entered the building together, supporting each other. The interior looked wonderful! Lots of decorations, balloons. The boys approached us immediately, greeting us warmly. We sat down at the table waiting for the rest of the guests. After only 15 minutes everyone appeared. It all started. The DJ started playing brilliant songs, encouraging people to dance. Me and my girlfriends went energetically to the dance floor, immediately swaying to the rhythm of the music. There was also a lot of laughter. After a while, Bryce asked Addison to dance, and they began to dance together, embracing a very romantic song. So did Dixie and Noah, Mads and Jaden, Cynthia and Quinton. Only me, Lauren and Amelie were left alone. So we decided to sit down at the table for a while and taste some desserts. I chose a meringue cake (one of my favorites) and washed it down with the remains of my wine. I also saw Josh talking to Blake. We made a brief eye contact for a moment, and I cut it off after a second. Lauren noticed that I was thinking about something so she spoke.

- Okay Ness?

- Yes, sure! - I lied, smiling nervously

- Okay. Braddison looks cute dancing to this song. I didn't expect Brycey to be such a romantic. - She laughed, looking at the couple in love

- Same! I never imagined seeing Bryce dancing to Ed Sheeran's song "Perfect". - I added

- So Dixie too. Rather, Dixie is a type of a girl who is withdrawn from love and romance. - Amelie said her thought

- Exactly. Although I think Dixie just doesn't like showing his feelings so publicly. I guess she's a little different when she and Noah are alone. If she was bad for him, Noah would have broken up with her for sure .. - Addison stared at the dancing Doah

* 23: 30 *
I decided to go out on the terrace for a moment to get some air and observe the illuminated Los Angeles. This is a unique sight. I stood and my eyes drowned in the landscape. Suddenly I heard footsteps, and after a while someone stood next to me.

- Crazy year isn't it? - Josh asked

- Hell yes ..

- Would you believe that we've known each other for 9 months? - He asked

- No. It passed quickly. - I smiled at the
thought of all the memories

- And my love for you is getting bigger ... - he said in a lower voice, thinking that I didn't hear, but I heard everything

Josh Richards&Nessa Barrett - DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now