Levy and Gajeel

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Ok guys!! I'm so, so, so, sorry for the SUPER LONG WAIT!! I hope the quality of my story makes up for it. Again, I'm so sorry for the wait! I have this really big project at school and I'm singing with the symphony and have piano concerts and such and it's all like super CRAZY!! >.< Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail!! Anyway, here is my new chapter, hope you enjoy!! :)


Levy's POV:

After Gajeel KISSED me, I decided that maybe I could let him "kidnap" me. Yeah, call me stupid or whatever, but still. Gajeel took me to this beautiful house in a valley away from town. Ever since, we've kinda been acting like a new married couple. Whenever I think that, my face gets all red and stuff. I sat down on the couch next to Gajeel, we just finished eating around 30 minutes ago. It was around 12:00 pm in the afternoon. "Uh... Gajeel?" He looked over at me. "Yeah?" He said. "Do you think we could uh... watch a movie?" I squeaked. Ever since Gajeel kissed me, I get all nervous and stutter. "Sure. Whatcha wanna watch shrimp?" I glared at him for his comment on my size. He looked at me and smirked and said "gee hee". Well whatever. Gajeel will be Gajeel regardless of the season. "Anyways, I was hoping we could watch Divergent. I read all the books and loved the series so I wanted to see the movie..." "Divergent? Yeah, sure, we can watch that." He said. As the movie was starting we heard a banging at the door. Gajeel looked up towards the door. "I'll go get it. You stay here." He said. I stood up and walked with him anyways. He turned around and then said firmly. "I told you stay where you were. What part of that do you not get" "I just... I-I just wanted to see who is at the door." "Fine. But don't leave my side." He said. "Ok" I responded. He carefully opened the door. To our surprise we saw Natsu.

Gajeel's POV:

"Natsu?!" Levy and I said in unison. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled out of surprise and anger. Gosh, this idiot just HAD to inturupt my movie with Levy. He looked up. Instead of looking as cheerful as he usually did, he looked kinda dead. "Natsu? What's wrong?" Levy said frowning. That's when Natsu began crying. "When I-I woke up L-Lucy wasn't in the h-house. I think she's b-been k-kidnapped. I wanted t-to know if you g-guys knew where s-she is." Levy walked over to Natsu and hugged him. Rage filled my body. Yeah, I guess I should feel bad for him or something but I wanted him off of MY Levy. I heard Levy speak quietly. "Natsu... It's alright. Gajeel and I will help you find Lu-chan." "Who said I would help him?!" I said. She turned over to look at me. She let go of him, which made me feel a little better. She walked over to me. She looked me straight in the eyes. I thought she would agree to spent more time with me than help Natsu out or something like that. Instead, she did something I never thought she would do. She slapped me. Yes, Levy Mcgarden, slapped me. "L-Levy" I said. It didn't hurt to much, I was just surprised. Tears began to fill her eyes. "Lu-chan's gone... And you don't even lift a finger to help?!" She yelled. "..." I didn't know how to respond. "You can't even say a word. Common Natsu, we'll find her." She began to walk away. "Levy! Wait! I'll help! Just... just don't hate me ok?! You're the best friend I've ever had, and ever will. So please Levy, don't hate me!" I said. She turned around. "Gajeel..." "Please don't Levy, please don't" "Gajeel Redfox, to think that I could hate you... It's impossible no matter how baldly you mess up." She walked over to me, cupped her hands around my face. She got on her tip-toes, closed her eyes, and kissed me. After a moment, she pulled away, blushing heavily. "Shall we go now?" She said. I just nodded.

Levy's POV:

As we were walking, I remembered slapping Gajeel. "Gajeel, when I slapped you earlier, sorry about that. Did it hurt a lot? I'm really sorry" And I really was. "Thanks... It didn't hurt that much. We're cool." "Ok..." I smiled at him. To my surprise he smiled back. I turned to Natsu who hadn't said much in a while. He looked deep in thought. "Are you ok?" I asked Natsu. "Honestly Levy, I love Luce more than ANYTHING in this world. The thing I love the most gets taken away from me and possibly gets hurt. I think you can figure out what level of "ok" I am." He said. He wasn't angry sounding, just frustrated, which was understandable. "Well, we gotta start somewhere. Who do you suspect took Lucy?" Gajeel asked Natsu. "Uh... Maybe that Gray bastered!" Natsu said, rage oviously filling him. "Uh..." I cut in. "I don't think Gray would do that." I said. "Ok... then maybe Sting! Sting was practicly drooling over Lucy last time I saw him with her." Natsu said more sure and angry this time. "Yeah... that might just be right..." I said. It totally could happen. "LET'S GO FIND THAT IDIOT (sting) WHO THINKS HE CAN TAKE MY LUCE AND GET AWAY WITH IT. IMA GONNNA KILL HIM!!!!" Natsu yelled. Wow. instense.

***********************TIme skip***********************************************

After we went back to Natsu's house as a starting point to look for Lu-chan we decided that we should stick together. Though, I suggested we split up, Gajeel got all 'Levy, can't let you go out on your own it's dangeous for you. I want to protect you!' And stuff. It was sweet, but I feel like I seem helpless. Well, whatever. I just hope we find Lu-chan. We all walked around for a while, finding nothing. That's when Natsu's face got all 'OMG! best idea EVER!'. "Natsu, what is it?" I asked. "Oh, well, I smell Lucy. This might be a trap but I'm following her sent anyways. Levy, Gajeel, you two stay here and don't follow me. If this is a trap, you two don't need to get involved." "But we're already involved!" I whined. Gajeel, who was behind me, took a step inbetween Natsu and I. "Levy, you don't need to be getting involved with getting traped. This idiot is a different case." He said pointing to Natsu. "So you think I can't make desitions on my own now?!" I yelled. "No! I just can't lose you Levy! I love you! I love you so much! I can't watch you get hurt if it's preventable!" Gajeel resorted. His words hung in the air. "You l-love m-me?" I stuttered. I thought he probably did just, this was the first time he said such a thing. He paused for a moment before answering, "Yes. Very much." I blushed deeply as Erza's hair. He blushed too. It took me a moment to snap back into reality. "Oh right! Natsu you go! Be careful!" I told him. He smiled and followed the sent of Lu-chan. Right before he dissapeared from sight he turned to us and gave us a big goofy smile and two thumbs up.


Ok guys! This is it for this chapter! I'm sorry it's not SUPER long, or not really long at all. I'm writing this at like 1am for you guys because I have like no other time to do it. Don't worry MiraxLaxus fans! I haven't forgotten about them, you'll have to find out what they were doing in the next chapter while Levy, Gajeel, and Natsu were searching. (I'm sorry this next part is kinda like a rant about teachers at my school, read it if you want)

Little story you can read if you want/have time. 

So at school, during art class I got behind in class because last week I wasn't there. Anyways, so in art class I'm making this head thing out of paper clay stuff, but first be have to make the "skull" out of news paper. So everybody in my class is done with the "skull" part except for ME. I was literally sitting and taping newspaper to my "head" and my teacher (lets call her ms. fuzzy whiskers because I don't feel like saying her name) walks up to me, takes the newspaper I was using and gives it to another kid in my class who didn't need it. Like really? Um what? Then before we can move to the next step we have to get her "approval" or something stupid like that. So I was waiting behind her while she was telling this other person in my class something about the facial features. When she's done, to catch her attention I tap on her shoulder, she looks directly at me doesn't say anything, just glares at me, and then turns to the next person to help them (they didn't even ask for her help!). She just ignored me. When shes done like 10 minutes later with that kid (I'm still standing behind her) I start to say Ms. Fuzzy Whiskers (well I actually called her her real name just you know like I was taking about before). and she ignores me.She goes on to liek 4 other kids. She does that until like 5 minutes before class ends and then finally says to me (with attitude) "oh it looks like you're ready to start, but there's only 5 minutes left, it wouldn't be enough time for you to set up your clay and such. Go sit at that table and wait for class to end and you can start next class." I literally just wanted to scream in her face "WHAT THE #@&%???!!!!" I was just a little, you know, mad. (Sorry if that was a bit long, or if I seemed to over react)

Tell me in the comments below if you have a awful teacher who literally ignores you or anything annoying like that. Also, tell me what you think of my story so far! :)


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