I've been found

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I want to let you guys know that I'm going to more points of view on the story. Sorry about the longer wait. Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail... totally wish I did though... ;)


Levy's POV:

Mira and I were running down a hallway, practically running for our lives, I mean given the fact that they can track us and all. Though, I'm hoping that we find a safe place to hide. Wait, no. We WERE at a safe place; dragon slayers are just that good. Darn, I can't run for this long I'm getting really tired though we've just been running for 8 minutes, which comparing to so many people I know who can run and jump and stuff and be all like 'what this is nothing' after running for like 15 minutes straight. How do they do that? "Mira, I've *huff huff* gotta *huff, cough* rest." I said. "Levy, I know it's just..." She seemed at a lose of words. "Just leave me then! *Cough cough* Leave like we did to *cough* Lucy!" I said though I know I shouldn't have. Mira and I burst into tears at the same time. "It's just... I'm sorry Levy I-I just don't know what's going on I-I'm so sorry!" She said. "I know, I know. I'm sorry too." and I was. "Where are they?" Mira asked remembering that I could see through Gajeel's eyes. "Well, let me see..." I said. "Geehee" I heard behind me. Yeah, no need to say anymore. I felt myself be picked up and thrown over a shoulder. "You're mine now shrimp,” A low voice said. "Kyaa!" I heard Mira scream. Laxus probably got her. "Gajeel..." I said quietly.

Lucy's POV:

Natsu was carrying me bridal style, to some random place. I would know if it weren't for the fact that he blindfolded me. Why did he do that? I'm guessing he wanted to take me to a place in the middle of nowhere and when we arrived I wouldn't be able to know to get back. "Luuucccee.... I love you.... You're dead right about that theory by the way." Natsu said. I didn't say a word. I was trying to give him the silent treatment, but it's hard to do when the person who you're giving the silent treatment to just happens to be able to read your mind. "Yeah, that's hard Luce, you should just talk to me." Natsu said. "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP, I KNOW THAT, THAT'S WHY I'M FRICKIN' THINKING IT!!!!" I shouted at him. "Finally, I get to hear your voice, but Luce, you'll ruin your pretty voice if you yell so much." Natsu said in reply. 'Fine I'll talk to you like this you idiot' I said deciding that he would hear anything that I thought, and really it wasn't his fault that it was dragon season. 'I love you Luce' 'what am I suppost to reply with? Thanks?' 'You could say that you love me too... But thanks works too' 'well, uh, I-I lo-love' Nope I can't say it. Not in real life, not in my head. I can't, and I won't. 'You said that thanks works right? Well then, thank you Natsu' Some how I knew that he was smiling. "We're here!" He said. "Uh, where is 'here'?" I asked. "Here is here!" He told me taking off my blindfold. I gasped in surprise. Before me I saw a small house, which was simple, but somehow still looked cute? Would cute be the word to describe it? I don't know, but I liked it. It felt like a real home to go to. "Natsu, I... I love it,” I told him. "Bought the house just for you." He said. "When did you have time to do that?!" I asked in total surprise. "I kinda knew dragon season was coming, and well..." He said. He began to walk me inside. As soon as he locked the door, I realized what was going on. Natsu walked me to the bedroom, and as soon and set me on the bed, and leaned over to kiss me, I punched him in the face with all my might and ran. I flung open the bedroom door and flung open the front door. I couldn't hear him following, maybe he was too surprised. I mean, I didn't even know I was going to do that. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of where I was hiding, I mean if I did, it was all over.

Mira's POV:

A while after Laxus found me; he carried me to someplace in town. We ended up at a wooden house. It wasn't large, but it wasn't small either. He would probably be more worried about me running away if it weren't for his darn emotions. I asked to walk instead of be carried, he agreed, but immediately felt the needing for my touch, so yeah, I felt it too, so I ended up being carried again. It was annoying, but nice. I felt how much he really loved me, and I liked it. So, here I was sitting in his house eating the dinner I cooked in the living room. "Mira, it's getting late, lets go to bed." He said to me. "Lets?! No, YOU can go to bed if you want. will go to bed when I want." He laughed and left the room. Well, I thought he left the room. But a minute later I was being carried (against my will) to a bedroom. "No, no, no, no, NO!" I yelled, pounding my fists against his chest. "STOP!" I screeched. That's when he kissed me. It was a soft sweet kiss. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt so happy and light, like I could fly away. Were these my emotions? Who ever's emotions these were I liked them. I've never felt so happy. "I love you, Mira." He said gently pulling away from the kiss. "I love you too." I said surprising myself. He pulled me back into the kiss.

Levy's POV:

"Put me down" "No" I heard Gajeel reply. "Put me down" "No" he said. "For crying out loud put me down!" I yelled at him. He pulled me off his shoulder his shoulder and put me on the ground in front of him. "Now what are you going to do?" He asked me. "Uhh..." Well, I hadn't thought of that part yet. I mean I was surprised that he actually did. "You know... I'll uh...." I said not sure what to do. Then I thought of it. I ran, as fast as my little legs could make me go. Though I had a head start, there was no way I could out run Gajeel. He could run for a much longer time then I, and he had longer legs, so he could run way faster than I could. I had to hide. That was my only chance. "Shrimp! Get the hell back here!" He yelled. "Eeep!" I squealed. I ran into a forest. I saw a bush I could hide in. I dived in without thinking. I concentrated really hard. I looked into Gajeel's eyes. He saw forest ahead of him. Looking up into trees, trying to find me. I let out a small giggle just because I can't climb trees at all. Yeah, bad idea. I realized he was really close to my bush, and he had dragon slayer hearing. So, yeah, it was all over. "Found ya, shrimp." I heard above me. I felt myself being picked up. He had grabbed me by my waist and now I was being held up in front of him. He did what I didn't think he would do. He kissed me.

Natsu's POV:

Lucy had just punched me in the face. She then had run away. Now it was left for me to find her. I would just track her like I did earlier to find her in Fairy Tail, but I decided that I would take this as a challenge, and if I won my prize would be Lucy. 'Luuuuucccccyyyyy, that wasn't very nice you know. Are you just asking for punishment?' 'What the hell?! No creep!' 'Wanna give me any clues on where you are?' 'I know you take me for an idiot, but I'm not that idiotic!' 'You left your scent lying around you know...' 'Crap! Didn't I have that perfume stuff on?!' 'It wore off a little bit ago...' 'Well damn you Natsu!' 'You're just begging for punishment aren't you...?' 'If you say one more frickin' time I'll-' 'You can't do much when you're hiding...' 'ggggrrrrrrrr... Natsu, this is it! I'm done with your stupid, childish, games! I'm done!' Too bad out of anger she said that aloud. "Crap!" I heard her whisper-yell. I saw a large tree with an opening just large enough for a human to get inside. That was where I heard Lucy. I rushed over and crawled in. In the dim light I just barely could make out Lucy's beautiful face. Instead of anger on her face like I expected, I saw sadness and fear written all over her face. She let a tear slip down her cheek. I gently put my hand on her face and wiped the tear away from her face. 'He's gonna hurt me, he's gonna hurt me' was all she could think. I felt torn up inside; I would never hurt her if my life depended on it. "Lucy, I would never, ever, hurt you. I love you more than my own life, so why, why would I hurt you?" I asked. "Y-you lo-love me m-more than y-your own l-life?" She asked surprised. I rubbed my thumb across her cheek in a calming way. "Yes, I really do. Will you come with me now?" She looked like she was debating in her head. I decided that I would let her debate privately in her head. She took my other hand and we climbed out of the tree together. I picked her up bridal style, making her blush. She looks so cute, I thought to myself. When we were right outside the house in front of the doors, I set her down. I leaned in close to her face; she blinked, and then realized what I wanted to do. Kiss her. But instead of pulling away, she let me come closer, and closer, 'till our eyes met, and our lips touched.

***********************************************************************************************************************Hope you guys liked the chapter. I'm laughing at myself so hard right now because I'm fan girling over my own story. Let me know if I'm just really weird, or if you guys do that too in the comments, also let me know how my story is in the comments too. Thank you guys so much for reading my story!


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