Mira and Laxus

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HI PEOPLE!!! Thank you guys so much for 2.4k reads!!! You guys are the best! I couldn't ask for any more from you guys! Also, I am so sorry for the long wait!!! I swear I need more time!! I have to huge projects going on at school, a really big event coming up soon, a piano thing, and you know just life in general. I will honestly try harder to update more often. Spring break is in a week so I'll defenitly have more time on my hands then. I also just want to thank everyone for their support. You guys are awesome and the reason I'm writing this at all. Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail! Okey dokey, let's go on with the story. 


Mira POV:

Laxus and I were always together now. He was always at my side, like literally (aside from me going to the bathroom). He seemed cautious, like he was ready to pounce at anyone who got near me. At first I was you know, fine with it, but now it's getting a little strange. When I feel his emotions, he's always tense. I finally got the courage to ask him what was wrong. "Hey, uh, Laxus?" I asked nervously. He looked over immediatly. "Yes?" "What's wrong?" He replied with silence. I knew he was hiding something. I could feel it, literally. "Come on... Please tell me..." "Fine" "Really?!" I asked. "Yeah." I smiled at him. He lead me over to the couch and sat me down, it was serious. "So" He began. "Natsu's mate, Lucy has been well..." "Well?" "Kidnapped." Surprise filled my every bone. "K-kidnapped?" "Yeah" "How do you know?" I asked. "Well when you were asleep Gajeel came and told me. Natsu's entered some dangerous place looking for her and I-I just don't want to lose you!" "To who?" I asked clueless. I honesly was surprised anyone liked me at all. "Well, I don't know! All I know is that like the way you smile and I like the way you laugh and there is so much more to love about you so why wouldn't anyone else like it?!" I was to surprised by his words to answer. How was I suppost to answer anyways. 'Thank you for telling me those nice things?' yeah no. "I-I u-uh..." Was my response. It was pretty lame if you asked me. Heh, good thing I had an idea. Blushing, I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. It was short and sweet, our kiss. I gently pulled away, looking deep into his eyes. He smiled and pulled me in for another kiss, this one more passoinate than the first. I loved him with all my heart. I pulled away remebering Lucy being kidnapped. "What?" Laxus asked gently. "Oh, it's just, I uh..." "Get to the point." "I wanna help look for Lucy." He looked at me for a moment. "Didn't you hear what I said earlier?" "Um... I think?" "I said it was dangerous... Do you really think I want you to go someplace dangerous?!" "No..." I replied soflty. "I'd like to keep you safe thank you very much." Laxus told me firmly. "But..." "No buts! Come on, I'm hungry, wanna make me something?" "Yeah, what do you want?" I asked. "A sandwich is fine." "ok" I replied.

"So" I called to Laxus from the kitchen. "Do you know where Natsu's searching for Lucy first?" "Uh... I think Sabertooth or something like that... Why?" "Oh, no reason in particular." I said, but was lying. There is a window in the kitchen, and I plan on helping Lucy escape. "Oh! I bet this sandwhich would taste better cooked." I said. "Sure! Whatever is fine." Once the oven was beeping, I used this chance of a distraction noise to escape. I opened the window quitely and hopped out. I knew if I didn't use a loud sound like that, Laxus and his dragon slayer hearing would have heard me try to escape. As soon as I closed the window, I was running. I changed in to my Satin Soul form and headed to Sabertooth.

Laxus POV:

The oven had beeping for a while, it began to bother me. "Mira?" I asked. No response. 'Crap!' I thought when I entered the kitchen. No sign of her. Just where did she go? It took me about a good 2 seconds to realize Sabertooth. Ugh!!!!!!! Why did Mira have to make my life so much harder? oh right, becuase she makes it so much more wonderful too. I ran out the door ready to go with Mira. I breathed in deeply when I got outside. I smelled her. I followed that smell.

Mira POV: 

I reached Sabertooth and heard yelling and fighting, nothing I didn't expect. But when I entered I immediatly took that back. Or at least who I thought was yelling and fighting. It was Natsu and Lucy who were fighting with each other. Not physiclly, but were screaming at each other. I heard some of it. "What do you think you would do by leaving me?! Lucy, I can't believe you did that!!" Natsu screamed. "I can't believe you think of me like some pet or something like that!" Lucy screamed in responce. "I don't think of you like that Lucy, I love you!" "Sorry Natsu, that isn't love keeping me with no freedom. But even if it was love, too bad for you because I-I" She hesitated. "I hate you!" She screamed running out of Sabertooth passing me without noticing who I was. Natsu turned to Sting. "This is your fault... You've taken my reason to live away from me, and for that I'll never forgive you." Natsu said. Sting looked hurt too. Maybe something had happened before I showed up? Natsu walked out, but unlike Lucy, realized I was there. "You heard everything?" he said to me. "Enough of it at least." He simply nodded and walked off. I took one last look at Sabertooth and decied to leave. I had no more reason to be there anyway. Maybe I should head back to Laxus and let Lucy and Natsu have sometime to think.

Laxus POV: 

I saw her walking out of Sabertooth. "MIRA!!" I screamed running towrds her. I embraced her. "Laxus..." she muttered into my chest. "Are you ok?! Did they hurt you at all?!" I asked. "No, I'm fine.... But what happened with Natsu and Lucy?" She said quietly. "I don't know, do you wanna talk about it?" I asked her gently. "No, lets just go to the guild." "Ok" I agreed having nothing more to say. Mira was safe, not hurt, and in my arms. Nothing could be better than the feeling I had now. "Let's go" I said right before kissing her soft lips.


Sorry that was a short chapter!!!! But don't worry, I'm going to get the next chapter done fast!!! Thank you so much for reading and enjoy you day/night!!! :)


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