The Mute

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Ive become like a shut in since that incident months ago. I only go from school to home and on small occasions when absolutely needed I go to the store and come right back home. I don't like parties and I really don't like guys. I hate the DJ for having the music too loud that day. My best friend Morgan tried to get me to talk about it but I always stayed quite. The longer I stayed quite the more I hopes it would erase from my memory like a bad dream.

I stand there in the mirror in my bra and panties and and looked at my now thinning body. I've lost my appetite since then and rarely eat. I just study and think. My beat friend says this isn't good. That I need to get out more. But how can I get out when I'm afraid the next person I meet will do the same thing.

That night I wake from in a cold sweat and screamed from the same dream haunting me of that boy. He's standing there laughing and having his way. Morgan comes into my room and hugs me. "Shushh Mari it's ok. It's just a dream. Nothings gonna happen." I sob into her arm and shake my head. "Your wrong. Something might happen again. And you won't be there to help me again." Morgan rubs my back and apologizes again for taking me to the party.

The next morning I wake up and get ready to shower and get dresses in some skinny jeans and a BVB tee shirt and some convers. I grab my bag and beanie and leave out. Im sitting at the bus stop cautiously and wait for the bus. When the bus pulls up and I sit down ans when i look up I notice the boy with blue hair and his friends sitting together. I quickly put my head down and hope he doesn't notice me.

My dream seems to come true when the bus pulls up to the school and he doesn't say anything to me the while way there. It only turned into a nightmare when I got off and I guess he finally noticed me. He tapped my shoulder and I jumped. "Wh-what?" I say quietly as I am backing up. He hold his hands up in a surrender gesture and shrugged. "Just thought I knew you from somewhere." I shook my head and quickly walked away.

~The end of the day~

All day it was the same. I stayed quite and went to Tue library to start my shift. I liked it here cause I can be quite and no one care. I could loose myself in the books. Once I finished my shift I gathered my things and walked out. The campus was usually quite about this time. I use to like to walk around at this time but more all I want to do is get home. Until I hear this music playing. I want to go home but I really liked the music. It seemed like rock but also pop or something.

I walked into my old class building the music Hall. When I looked in the class where the music was coming from I noticed the boys from this morning. Blue hair was on the guitar. Lip ring was on guitar and brown hair was on the bad and bandana was on the drums. They sounded good. I wanted to stay and listen but the thought of being near them scared me to my wits end.

I hurried up and left. When I finally got outside is when I bumped into someone and dropped all my books. I looked up and it was the same guy from the party, along with 2 other guys. I backed up and grabbed my books and trued to get away when he said something. "Hey watch where your going. Hey you look familiar." I look away and try to grab the book by his foot. Its my medical science book. "Hey look at me. Its bad manners to brake eye contact. Didn't your parents teach you that?" He says.

I keep looking down and When I reach for my book but also keep my distance my face gets yanked up to him and he makes me look at him. I'm shaking now and I'm pretty sure its visible. He smirks and laughs. "Ohhhh its you. From the party. Guys this is the girl I told you that I hooked up with." He says looking at them then back to me. Im near tears and shank my head no. My voice has stopped and I'm too scared to move. I'm just shaking my head no. And trying to get his grip off my face.

His first friend smirks. "Maybe she'll be nice enough to be my little friend." I look at him and his second friend laughs. "She is quite cute. Take away the loner nerd look. I'd have fun with her." I'm crying now and clawing at his hand. "Please. No." I whisper. "What was that doll face? Couldn't hear you." Thats when I hear another male voice from behind them. "I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want anyone like you touching her." The guy holding my face turns around and I look up and see its the boys from the band room.

"And what are you four pipsqueaks gonna do about anything. She was very into it last time." He lied. And that's when the blue haired boy shrugged. "I'm pretty sure she don't want you jock meat heads." The boy holding my face and his friends got mad at the insult. He stood up, my face still in his hands, and pulled me up off the ground. "And what are you. Just a wanna be bad boy with colorful fucking hair." He growled. That's when he looked down at me and pushed me back on the ground toward the band boys. "Take her. She's nothing anyways." He kicked my stuff out the way and walked away with his friends.

I rubbed my face and cried from being scared and hurt and called nothing all in one sitting. The one with the bandana came up next to me and i jumped and and I scooted away still scared. "Hey. It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." He held out one hand to me. I looked up at the others boys and they looked at me with what seemed like concern. I shook my head and stood up. 'Couldn't be all guys wanted was one thing. Just get away from them Mari.' I stood. I grabbed my books and the one with brown hair that looked Asian handed me my medical book. I shyly took it and nodded thanks to them and started to walk away.

"Hey be careful ok!" The one with the lip ring yelled to me. I ran away to the bus stop and called a cab. To afraid I'd run into the boys again if I waited for the bus.

I got home and thankfully Morgan had already left for her job at the cafe. I went to my room and went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I got un dressed and sat under the shower as it fell on me. I was and went to be. Not studying for the tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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