Soulmate (Story 2 p.1)

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Quick A/N: This isn't related to the first one but Soulmates are the ones that are requested the most so here ya'll go.  

Person 1 P.O.V

Jackson woke up from bed and looked at the time it was 10 in the morning then a question and 2 choices popped up it said 'what is your soulmate's height' there was 6 feet and 6'1 feet so he selected 6'0.  'Why is my soulmate so tall though' He wondered.  He got going with his day 'what is their eye color' Blue or Green.  He picked Blue cause why not.  there were questions popping out once in a while.  

'What will your soulmates hair color be'

Blond or Brunett


'Good at sports or good with electronics'

Sports or Electronics


'Is your Soulmate 18 or 19'

18 or 19


And there was like a million others at this time it was around 12 pm so Jackson had to go pick his bestfriend up at the airport since Cyprien is visiting for the next few weeks

Cyprien P.O.V

The plane just landed in Alabama and Jackson should be picking me up to stay at his house for a few weeks.  Jackson's litter brother is so cute like i just don't know how to explain it.  I walk out of the Gate after getting my luggage then I see Jackson pulling up in his car 

"Get in Buddy" he said 

I walked towards the car opened the trunk and put my bag in and getting in the passenger seat.  

We arrived at his house 30 minutes later, his house was like 30 minutes way from the airport even without traffic imagine going to the airport with traffic, it would take hours.  Anyways, we arrived at his house greeted by his golden retriver 'Snickers'.  

"Did you get ask questions about your Soumate?" Jackson asked while I walked into my bedroom in his apartment (Just pretend that Jackson had a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment) Well not exactly my bedroom but that's where most of our friends stay when they come to alabama.  If you didn't know our friend group consist of Jackson, Blake, Bryce #1, Bryce #2, Oscar and a few others.  

"Not yet, well at least the last time I checked which was last night.  It said waiting for soulmate to respond" I told him

"Try checking it again then" he said 

"Oh it's here now" I said 

"I'll leave you alone now" He said walking out of the door into his own bedroom which was right down the hall.  

Jackson's Apartment^^^

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Jackson's Apartment^^^

Jackson P.O.V

After I left Cyprien's room I went into my own bedroom to get changed since I was going to go on a date with a girl from school, Dylan.  

Jackson outfit below

Jackson outfit below

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"Cyp" I called "I'm going out"

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"Cyp" I called "I'm going out"

"Where" he ask poking his head out of his room

"On a date"

"Oh, Jackson's got a date"

"i'll be back by 9 I promise, I'll be at the mall"

Cyprien P.O.V

"Oh, Jackson's got a date" I teased him, but for some reason I was slightly jealous

"I'll be back by 9 I promise, I'll be at the mall" Jackson responded as he headed out the door

Wait- Isn't Jackson my Bestfriend, why did I even feel jealous of her.  

Once again CLIFFHANGER!!! Anyways sorry for not updating I've been really busy lately with my Visa and everything in my life, so i hope you enjoyed this story. Love ya'll


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