The sleepover

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Mika POV

I was setting up the sleepover for me chapa Bose and miles I was thanking  we can see a scary movie I was thinking about scream 2 that's a good movie . I was making for popcorn for the for of us. Then I saw miles walking in my room

Miles:  hey sis what you doing

Mika: I am setting up the sleepover for me u Bose and chapa.

Mika: I am going to see if we have 2 sleeping bags

Miles: okay

5 minutes latter

Mika: okay miles i got all the stuff let me text bose and chapa.

Miles: okay ima get the drinks.

Mika POV

I am all ready for the sleepover with the whole team chapa and bose just text me and they said they should be here in 15  minutes

15 minutes later

Mika and miles door bell ring

Mika: hey chapa and Bose come on. In

Bose: okay

Chapa: your house is really big

Mika: I dont think so but anyway let's go to my room.

Miles: what movie we watching?

Mika: we watching scream 2

Chapa: I hear that's a good movie

Mika: come on guys let's go to my room

Chapa, bose,miles: okay

1 hour latter

Chapa POV

Everyone was sleeping still and its 1am ima go out and go back to the man nest I was trying not to make to not noise while mika Bose and miles was sleeping.  Then my phone ring then everyone woke up

Mika: yawn chapa whre you going

Chapa: to the man nest.

Mika: why?

Chapa: I left something there

Mika: okay

Chapa POV

I was walking to the man nest and then I saw a man he was wearing a white shirt and some blue jeans

Man: hey girl it look like I know you from or you look like someone  I know.

Chapa: what do you mean I don't know you?

Man: wit you are VOLT

Chapa: no I am not

Man: yes you are ima post this on social media

7 more parts coming

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