Hogwarts 2020

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*Lily Luna's POV*
I wake up at 6:30am. I look at the date. September 1st 2020. It's my birthday I'm 13. A Teenager Finally. Wow. I hear a faint knock at the door. "Come In" I say. The door opens. I smile. It's my brothers. James smiles back and says "Happy 13th Birthday Lily." And Albus and Cedric Slowly creep in and both sit on the end of my bed and and Albus whispers "Don't wake Mum or dad." I look at him with a serious face "You know they're already awake right guys" James looks surprised at me an Says "No way." We hear a light chuckle and look at the door. Surprised to see our parents. "Happy Birthday Darling" Our mum says. I smile. "Time for Breakfast guys" Dad Says. "Ok. I'm gonna get changed first" I say. Dad nods and say "Let's go guys". Everyone leaves and I change into a Dark Blue Dress with a Pink Happy 13th Birthday Badge. I walk downstairs and Mum says "Wow Darling. You look Beautiful." I smile and walk to my seat. "thank you mum" I respond and smile. We start to eat the pancakes Dad made. After the food we talk for a while. I look at the clock it's 7:15am. I smile. I know what time it is. "Ready Kids" Dad say. We nod and put all our stuff in the car. We put Muggle music on and Dad Drives us to the Granger-Weasley house. We arrive at 8:50am. We park and all the Granger-Weasley's are standing and waiting. We get out and walk over to them. They all shout "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY" I smile and say thank you to everyone and we walk in sit down in the living room. After about 10 minutes of talking George and his family walk in as well as My grandparents. "Present Time" Dad Says. Everyone sits down and Uncle Ron says "This one first" I take it out of his hand  and take the wrapping paper off. I look at it "Wow. This is amazing. Thank you Uncle Ron." He Smiles "Your welcome" he replies. I take it out the box and open the Locket with "LLP" on it and it has the whole family in it. "Dad can you help me please" I ask him. He smiles and Replies "Yes" He gets  up and I stand up in front of him. He moves my hair and put the locket around my neck and seals it so it won't fall. "Thank you" He Smiles And sits back down. "Who's next?" I ask. James stands up and gets the present he brought for me. "Me" He says softly. I take the present from him and I open it. "Thanks James" I sat and he nods. It's the bookmark for Diagon Alley that I wanted but We didn't get because James must of already picked it up. It's Ravenclaw with a flashing sign saying "Don't mess with this witch" I continue to open presents until the last one.
Authur And Molly- Pink Frilly Dress(They Know me so well)
George- Stuff That he's yet to put in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Fred II- A Muggle book on How to become a Film Director.
Hugo and Cedric - A sign that says "Have Fun, Be Happy"
Albus- A Charm for my bracelet. He got me it when I was 5 and adds a charm every birthday and Christmas.
The last one is a big one. It's from all the family. It's a muggle thing. Everyone gets one on their 13th Birthday.Cedric will be the last. We all Get muggle phones for our birthdays and McGonagall let's us have phone at School but not use them during school hours. Which includes during Class and Lunch. But because she's been Headmaster since Dumbledore. She made so many changes or so I'm told. Well after we finish opening presents it's 10:15. We gotta go. We get our stuff and Get ourself's to Diagon alley so we can get to Platform 9 3/4 in time. We arrive at 10:50am. We get through the wall and see everyone. "Sammy, Shaun, Darcy" I shout as I run to them. "Top of the morning to ya" Shaun says in his thick Irish accent. "We just got here" Darcy Says. "Happy Birthday by the way" She finishes. I smile and say "Thanks Darcy". Seamus and Dean come up behind the three kids and my parents walk up behind me. "Seamus, Dean. How's life" Dad asks the older guys. "Great at the moment. We have 1 up this year and 2 up next year. And we already 7 in so that a lot. Next year we will have at least one on each year. So we've got SK in 6th year. Danielle in 5th year. Destiny and Stella in 4th year.
Darcy In 3rd year
Shaun And Sammy In Second year and last but not least we have Dylan in 1st year." Seamus Responds And Dean Smiles. Dad Replies "How long you been married?" Dean thinks for a second and says "15 years Harry" and Dad looks And Says "First Adoptee year?" Dean smiles "2003 when SK was born" Dad looks at the time and Shouts "ALL ABORD THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS" We Say goodbye to our parents. It's Cedric first time and he's scared. He doesn't wanna leave but he knows he's gonna be safe so I walk to the train with him and meet up with our friends and get  on the train. We go and sit in the carriages. I sit with James, Albus And Cedric. It's great cause I know them. I'll probably make more friends this year hopefully but being a Ravenclaw should help with that. We chat for most of the ride and all change into our room robes before we arrive. When we arrive we get to Hogwarts by boat. I'm excited this place is my second home. The place I can be myself with friends. A place where I can learn about myself more. It's where I can discover who I wanna be. I love it. We all go to the Great Hall and go sit at our tables except the first year because they go stand and wait to be sorted. They start to get sorted one be one. A few in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor but surprisingly more in Slytherin than usual. We sit and wait for the last names to be called. "Dylan Finnigan Thomas" McGonagall Calls. Dylan Walks up to the Sorting hat and sits down. The Sorting hat is placed on his head and says "Hmm. This is a hard one. He's got the traits of all the houses but SLYTHERIN." Dylan Walks to the Slytherin table as the Slytherin's Cheer. Last is Cedric. "Cedric Potter" McGonagall Calls.  Cedric Walks up to the hat and sits. The hat gets placed and says "Hmm Another Potter. I know where to put this one. HUFFLEPUFF" Everyone cheers as Dylan Walks up to the Hufflepuff Table.

Written By Levi-James👾

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