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Yesss Quidditch time. I love quidditch. We walk to quidditch. Me, Elijah, Ethan, Dakota And Devyn Walk there. Our new teacher is there. He stands with a smile. Happy I don't know why. It's kinda cold.  We stand still. He looks and says "Hi I'm Professor Joyner-Stewart. Im your new Quidditch coach. Today we have try outs now I know most of you are already on the team and pretty so I've heard there are new people who might wanna join. Like the first years. We give them a chance. So on the list we have Cedric Potter, Sammy,Dylan and Shaun Finnigan-Thomas, Dakota Dursley and Lily Luna Potter" Lily stands forward and says Confused "Umm Sir. I'm already in the team. I'm the best player." Scorpius snickers. Lily looks at him and says "I'll kill you. You wrote my name on that paper cause your jealous of me. My mum is the best quidditch player in history. My dad is the defence against the Dark arts Teacher. What's your dad huh? A guy who bullied Muggle born kids because "He was raised that way" well that's no excuse you think just because you write my name on a list that you know is gonna embarrass me doesn't make you that great. Maybe just maybe you should be Hufflepuff Scorpius. You only want to impress your dad. Next time do it some other way. Or I will kill you." She stands back and everyone looks amazed. Professor says "Umm well everyone else get ready I guess" They all do. We get ready for Quidditch practice. As the seeker my job is most important. None of these first years are gonna steal my place. We practice and we when we are done The Professor Says "I'll have McGonagall give the list of team players for each house later today and remember. Slytherin Versus Hufflepuff On Tuesday." We leave and go to the common room. Me, Elijah and Ethan sit around and do some Homework. We sit for our free period. Then go to Our next lesson. After that it's Studying time again. We all go to the Great hall and McGonagall stands at the Teachers Table And Says "Quidditch House Teams are as Follows

Hugo Weasley — Beater
Fred Weasley II — Keeper
Julie Patterson — Chaser
James Sirius Potter —Seeker
Rose Weasley — Beater
Luke Patterson — Chaser
And Flynn Kippen —Chaser

Lorcan Scamander —Chaser
Devyn Dursley —Beater
Katie Raeken —Chaser
Lysander Scamander-Seeker
Sammy Finnigan-Thomas- Beater
Shaun Finnigan-Thomas —
And Cedric Ruebus Potter —Chaser

Ravenclaw -
Lily Luna Potter —Seeker
Dakota Dursley —Beater
Carrie Keller —Chaser
Darcy Finnigan-Thomas— Keeper
Reggie Keller— Chaser
Alex Patterson— Beater
And Lydia Longbottom —Chaser

And Slytherin -
Elijah Malfoy— Keeper
SK Finnigan-Thomas —Seeker
Albus Severus Potter —Beater
Scorpius Malfoy —Chaser
Ethan Lee Dursley —Chaser
TJ Kippen —Beater
And  Joshua Rush— Chaser

That's our Quidditch Teams. Tuesday is Hufflepuff Vs Slytherin. Be ready. Also if I did not say your name you will be a substitute. So be ready for Tuesday. You may now study or go to class." She ends. 

We get up and go to the common room to Study. I would study with my siblings but only one is in Slytherin so we study and help him while we study. We chat and laugh while we study. We then all split to our Class and I walk to my Second Potions class. We sit Quietly this time. No Raising my voice and no saying anything that hasn't got to do with the lesson. We sit in class and listen to everything the Professor says. And we only talk when spoken to. This is better than what happened last lesson. I'm so glad that's all over. The drama is over and I'm glad it is but also Drama is great. I live Drama but when everything is calm it makes it so much better. We can study and work better when it's calm instead of loud which is great cause I like studying.

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