deals to be made.

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John and Jess arrived to see Alfie the next afternoon. Jess stayed close to John because well Alfie... he could be sort of unpredictable. He has never betrayed the Shelby family, but word got around quick in Small Heath and Alfie had pissed off his fair share of people. Jess was so excited to see their good friend Clara.

Clara had met the rest of the girls when she worked a couple of odd jobs with Jess. Housekeeping and bar maid were just a couple of them. Tommy quickly took her in like he did the rest of them but not to be kind but because he seen her of good use. He instantly sent her to be a spy to see what Alfie Solomon's was all about. But the trip instead favored Clara. Alfie gave her a job at his bakery and the two quickly fell in love He always showered her with endless gifts which usually included her favorite things like books and flowers. Clara knew of Alfie's crazy, unpredictable side but she still loved him.

John grabbed Jess' hand as they moved from the parking garage. Camden Town was up and coming. Getting more and more businesses by the daily but had its fair share of violence. Jess smiled up at John as he rubbed her hand and moved the pace quicker.

"How do you feel about this love?" Jess asked him out of curiosity.

"Well, it is Alfie, he has yet to give us a reason not to trust him. But I swear, if he even tries, I will blow his brains out." John promised her.

"Aren't you a sweetheart?" Jess jokingly rolled her eyes.

"You knew when you got with me, I wasn't all right up here." John smiled. But Jess would not have John any other way. He was loving but unpredictable, the perfect balance for her.

"As long as you don't get me shot." Jess teased him.

"Anyone shoots my girl they won't have a chance to explain themselves." John said. "You happy to see Clara?

"Of course. I wish she were still in Small Heath. But you cannot help it when you are in love. She told me Alfie got them a dog. Named him Cyril." Jess told him. John scoffed.

"Oh, a dog now. Dog, books and to keep that up here in my 'Ways to impress Jess' notes." John messed with her pointing to his head.

"Flowers are enough for me. You know what I want next anyways." Jess said. She secretly was wishing for a proposal,

"And that beautiful, will be done when you least expect it. You like my surprises." John smiled at her.

John and Jess walked up the building holding the sign, Solomon's Bakery. A man named Ollie, Tom said he would be standing outside, nodded his head at them. Jess almost laughed because if this were Alfie's security, she would not be surprised if they got robbed. Ollie looked like he would not hurt a fly. Jess could kick his ass.

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