Day 11: Hidden Door

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I discovered a door behind my dresser the other day
Covered with cobwebs, dust and mold.
A small key laid next to it
Taunting me to find out what was on the other side.
I slipped the cold piece of metal into the lock
As a giant cloud of ancient blurred my senses.

The door opened with ease
Almost as if being controlled automatically
Brightness poured through the cracks
Along with a cold blast of air
A few snowflakes made it past the door
Entangling themselves in my hair and melting

I took a single step in
Bracing the cold and felt none
A pure white dress covered me
It kept me surprisingly warm despite having no sleeves
I couldn't decipher where I was
Snow covered the barren land

Not a single life, human nor animal, in sight.
The wind too calm for comfort
It was tranquil
No one to stare at me
No one to judge me
I loved that...

...despite the fact I was lonely.

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