S1 E2: Robin vs. Technology

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While Robin was very knowledgeable in a lot of things, technology wasn't one of them. Perhaps it was because he was from a world where things such as smartphones, computers, and televisions didn't exist, so whenever he was asked to help the Smashers with their electronic devices, he would have quite a lot of trouble what to do, and this story will tell you all about that.

It started out like any other day. Robin was just walking down one of the countless hallways in the Smash Mansion when he heard voices coming from the computer room.

"I think it's broken, dude."

"Here, try this."

Robin recognized the voices as Falco and Sonic's and walked into the computer room. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"Robin, can you help us with this?" Sonic asked.

"Oh, of course. What is it that you need help with?"

"So we created this project, right?"

"Then we tried printing it, but it gave error 219." Falco added.

"We double checked and the driver is definitely installed."

However, as they were explaining the problem, Robin became more and more lost as they were using all kinds of technological terms that not even he could understand, and it all sounded like gibberish to him.

"So can you fix it?" Falco asked.

"Uh...of course! I am more than capable of fixing this 'error 219'." Robin approached the computer and pressed a key, only for multiple pop-ups to flash on the screen. "N-Not to worry! I know exactly how to handle this!" He looked around at the keyboard and screen, but became overwhelmed as alarm sounds went off.

"Robin, relax, it's just a computer!" Falco exclaimed as he pulled Robin away from the computer. "You don't know how to fix this, do you?"


"Woah, you totally don't know how to fix this, do you?" Sonic asked, earning him a punch in the arm from Falco.

"It's okay, Robin. You don't have to know how to fix everything. We can take care of it."

"Well...alright. If you say so." Robin muttered as he left the room.

"Dude, I thought Robin could fix anything." Sonic said.

"Well yeah, but not computers apparently." Falco replied. "Come on, let's try to figure this out ourselves."

As Robin walked down the hall, a nagging feeling kept eating at him. Perhaps it was just his stubbornness, but he felt that there was something seriously wrong with that computer and he had to fix it. "There must be some way I can figure how to fix that little error." He thought for a moment, and snapped his fingers when realization hit. "The library, of course! Surely there is something there that can help me out."

And so Robin made his way to the Smash Mansion's library, hoping to find a book or two that could teach him how computers worked and how to fix them. When he got there, he found his new assistant Isabelle organizing some books on a nearby shelf.

"Oh, Mr. Robin!" she exclaimed when she saw him. "I was just putting these books back in their proper place."

"I can see that. Isabelle, did you by any chance happen to come across any books on computers?" Robin asked.

"Oh, I think I did find one! Let me get it for you." Isabelle looked through the books on the shelf she was organizing, and managed to find one. "Here you go. This book should tell you everything you need to know on computers and how they work."

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