Ok before I start this ✨oneshot✨ I just want to say I'm bad at this shit like really bad at writing.
This isn't going to be good so if it doesn't get any views I know why umm don't expect something amazing because that's not what your getting on this page no sweet heart this is going to be a mess so yea,I'm doing this for fun 👍🏽
Also I just want to know because I'm not trying to come off as rude so if I say something that offends you just tell me and ill delete it or change it.
So yeah that's all I have to say umm I'm not going to update this very often because I have school work to do and family problems so yeah.
If y'all have any requests for me pls tell me.
LOVE YOU💕💚😍💛💛💝😘💜💙😘💋💙💖💓💙💖💙💟💓💝💜💝💜💟💝💓💝💓💝💗💙💗💚💗💕💚💕💚😍💛💟❤💘💓💝💓💝💓💝💟💝💋💝💓💝💓💖💙💕💚💕💚💕💕💕💗💚💖💝💟_______________________________________________________________________
Its 12:56am right now in Arizona so yeah goodnight💖
sorry but also this song is one of my favorite songs so if you like slow love songs listen to this song bye baby's😘