I'm sorry

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Ok I'm so so sorry I didn't post the kaibert one shot I was so fucken stressed and I forgot same with today because I started off the day just fine until 8:20AM you know why because I have morning electives and in electives we were talking about sad topics and I said "I don't talk to anyone about my feelings and/or problems because I don't want anyone to worry about me that's why I smile and am happy so people can think I'm a happy person but I'm not" and I was crying so the two teachers there wanted me to stay after class to talk to them but I just left the zoom meaning because I just said I DON'T TALK TO ANYONE ABOUT MY PROBLEMS like listen omg so that was great.

Oh and by the way I'm on my period so it just made it extra worse for me and the rest of my day wasn't good either because my younger siblings want to be so fucken annoying like just shut up omg is it that hard. So I'm just in my room finally quite I was forced to talk to my mom but the two teachers in my elective so I did and I cried in her arms to that just made me happy for some reason.

I've always been like this tho like I keep all my feelings in and don't tell anyone well one person my guy best friend his name is Robert and I tell him a lot because I trust him like this is personal but when I used to cut I told him and he helped me and I just thank him for that and love him for that. (Because he's the only one I've ever opened up to)

I have nothing else to say but I hope you guys understand what I'm going through I'm not saying all this to make anyone feel bad about me because that's not me but I'm saying this so you guys won't think that I'm ignoring you guys.

PS: I'm not the type to cuss like this I just never cuss Like ever not in front of my friends not in front of my family because i don't like to cuss but when I write it just happens and i don't know why because I don't want you guys to think that I'm a person that cusses because I don't its just me writing so please don't get mad at me.

Authors note: its 10:39PM on a Thursday and I'm laying in bed writing this but am going to listen to my sad playlist and cry myself to sleep so I guess good night and i'll try to write the kaibert one shot tomorrow if I can.

Bye loves have a good night/morning 💕💞❤

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