Songtext Fool's Gold

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Ich widme dieses Kapitel ireneaila weil sie als ersters mein neues Kapitel kommentiert hat

Ein gaaanz Großes Danke an dich

I'm like a crow on a wire 

You're the shining distraction that makes me fly

I'm like a boat in the water

You're the raise on the waves that calm my mind

Oh every time

And I know in my heart you're not a constant star

And yeah I've let you use me from the day that we first met

But I'm not done yet

Falling for you

Fool's Gold

And I knew that you'd turn it on for everone you met

But I don't regret falling for you

Fool's Gold

I'm the first to admit that I'm reckless

I get lost in your beauty and I can't see two feet in front of me

And I know in my heart, you're just a moving part

And yeah I've let you use me from that day we first met

But I'm not done yet

Falling for you

Fool's Gold

And I knew that you'd turn it on for everyone you met

But I don't regret falling for you

Fool's Gold

Yeah I knew that your loves not real

That's not the way it feels

That's not the way it feels

And yeah I've let you use me fron the day we first met

But I'm not done yet

Falling for you

Fool's Gold

And I knew that you'd turn it on gor everyone you met

But I don't regret falling for you

Fool's Gold

So das war wieder mal ein Songtext

Ich hab noch eine ganz wichtige Frage an euch soll ich mal ein Kapitel machen wo ich Fragen über mich beantworten soll ?

Wenn ja schreibt mir welche in die Kommis

Love you all

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