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A few days later I agreed to be Jess's boyfriend. I was so happy, finally everything was falling in place. I feel so alive when I'm with him, he brings me peace of mind and soul...maybe I shouldn't invest so much into him,he might hurt me...but his been hurt just as much and I don't think we would jeopardize our happiness like that.

Today is Friday. Our game night. Ever since we moved in with Aunt Mary we have been spending a lot of time together. Mondays was take away day, no one cooked..we just ate take aways and watched TV. Tuesdays was workout day, gotta burn these calories. Wednesday's we visited friends and had dinner there, to save us from cooking (Tiyana's mom makes the best lasagna). Thursday's was movie day, we went to the cinema and watched movies,ate popcorn and licorice. Afterwards we went for a walk. Fridays as you know was game night. Saturday's was family outings. We went camping or hiking or biking, sometimes swimming if the weather was grand and we just spent that time being happy and being a family. Sunday's was church and after church was the Sunday lunch...the church members rotated the lunch so somedays we'd go to Mrs Smith and other days everyone would come to us. After the lunch we usually just slept in or read a was also a day of bonding without television, phones,WiFi,or modern day things...we literally had to read an actual book and watch cassettes or meditate,it's actually pretty fun. You find your balance when you meditate,you feel free...anywho Jess was coming over. Lately he has been busy with his brand and website so we haven't had much quality time. The game for today was monopoly. Gosh I love that game, I swear if it was reality I'd be the richest person around and I'd own half the boardwalk. I'm currently counting down to the time Jess is coming. We having Gatsby's today and Tiyana, Maya,Raissa and Cody is coming over. It's bound to be fun!
The door bell rings and in comes Cody carrying a box of appletizers.
"I thought I told you not to bring anything?"
"I just couldn't resist Ree. I'd feel so uncomfortable if I didn't bring anything. Sorry yo!"
"It's cool"
Well everyone came after that, only Jess left. It was a rule. No one played until everyone was there. I quickly texted Jess to ask him where he was
"Hey sugar I'm kinda stuck at work right now, I'm shooting for this model. You guys can start without me,I'll be there soon soon
I wonder why his been having so much excuses lately. Every time I ask to hang out his either busy or tired or something! His starting to make me mad.
"Jess say we can start without him, his kinda stuck at work right now. So let the games begin"
Dora and I teamed up. Everything was going great. I was enjoying myself and Dora was laughing her head off and a joke Cody said. I'm so happy that Dora could adapt to this. I thought she would be broken and traumatized by what happened with our parents but she wasn't, she had some PTSD but she was doing counselling now and she seemed much better. She even told me that she made new friends at school and even had a crush on a boy in her grade. I'm just happy she's okay.
Jesse walked in and kissed my cheek but I was giving him the cold shoulder. After playing monopoly we all sat outside talking, eating and laughing until they all had to leave. Me,Dora and Jess stayed outside though just looking at the stars each stuck in our own thoughts. Dora fell asleep on the grass and I carried her to her room,tucked her in and kissed her goodnight. Damn she's adorable!
"Reece are you ignoring me?"
"No, I'm just not paying you much attention"
"What did I do wrong?!"
"You putting your work before our relationship, before us! Everytime I want us to hang out you busy or tired or there's too much on your plate. Everytime I need you,you too busy to be around!"
"I'm not putting my work before you it's just that it's important for my work career. Okay? I need things to go right in my work life."
"Important?! Is your work more important than your boyfriend?! Then why don't you just date your work? Guess you'd get along fine,don't you think?"
"Ouch! Reece don't be like that. You know you important to me, I'll make time for you I promise, just bear with me please."
I walk to my room and go to bed. A few minutes later Jess is in my bed...just like I expected.

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