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It sat there, on those bricks, comfortably. I am talking about The Jammy Berry Pie, of course! A scintillating glow seemed to emanate from it. I could literally feel the warmth. Seeing it was soothing. Overall, it was magical, like we were transported into an other world. At that particular moment, we felt like we could live that moment forever. But for the people at the park, it must have been like "Why are these kids staring at an old piece of pie?" Only we three could feel the magic. A full pie, but very small in size. It was filled with raspberry jam and covered with a plastic wrap.

Scorpius gently took it in his hands. We shifted to Amanda's place(park people were staring at us like crazy). We placed it on a big table and sat around it. I opened the plastic wrap, although my hands were shaking badly. Jammy basically meant lucky. So if you eat a piece of the pie, you are supposed to become lucky for a whole day. Something like Felix Felicis (Hey Potterheads, howie you doin?). Am brought a brand new knife for cutting the pie. She tried cutting it, but she couldn't. She just couldn't. I tried next. I pushed the knife hard into the pie, but it just wouldn't fall apart. Nothing happened. So automatically, it had something to do with the plastic wrap, cause that was the only extra thing that came with the pie. Yes, a minute later, words appeared on the plastic wrap and we could even read it clearly. It said "Unless you think about curing their worries, yours will not be cured".

The question arised. Who does 'Their' refer to? Thinking and pondering and wondering, I moved to the balcony and was looked at the birds which flew happily. When I turned to go back into the room, the door between the balcony and the room was locked. I tapped and called Amanda, but no reply. I knocked and shouted, but no one came to my rescue. I was trapped in Amanda's balcony. After 3 minutes or so, I saw Am and Scorp running out of the house. I called them, but they didn't care to look back. And the worst part was, there was no one at Am's house. I sat down and waited for someone to come to my rescue. You see, I don't get tensed in such situations. I've had plenty of experience. I hold the record for standing inside the bathroom for half a day. Credit goes to Miss Ish Fortisque. I silently thanked her.

I waited and waited, for a solid two hours. Then I heard the door click open, and someone grabbed me from the back and covered my eyes with a cloth. They even stuffed my mouth with an apple. I had no idea what was happening. They threw me into a car and in 1 minute, those people lifted me and put me down. They took the apple from my mouth, and uncovered my eyes. It was Am and Scorp. Why would they do something like that? Location? My House. I opened the door with a weird expression on my face and BOOM! Surprise!! Everyone shouted, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELDON! It was 12 a.m and I had totally forgotten.

Yours absent-mindedly,

Sheldon Fortisque

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