Chapter 4

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Moving in with Lima was easy, it took me a simple Uber ride to transport my meagre belongings from my family's home to Natalia's apartment. My family were shocked but not surprised that I was moving out so quickly, my stepfather's obvious disdain for me radiated off him in waves.

His relief was palpable when I announced that I was leaving. My brothers were a little upset and my mother carefully schooled her reaction as to not contradict my stepfather, I didn't expect anything different from her to be honest.

The place I was moving into was an attached maisonette in a long line of similar houses facing the main road, with a shared green space out in front and a generous garden out in the back. As far as homes in London went it was pretty spacious and newly built.

I had already spent about a year living with Lima, she had been my university roommate, so I knew what to expect. She was neat and tidy, and being a designer she had a penchant and an eye for interior design. Her only flaw being her inability to cook. Luckily for her, I was a dab hand in the kitchen and enjoyed making elaborate meals.

We had a quick meal of flatbread and stew, that I had rustled up before going to bed, I had an early morning coming up with my starting to work at Sofia's temping role. She had called me earlier today with the news that she had somehow finagled me the job with no resume and no interview. She was a miracle worker, no doubt.

In the morning, after showering and carefully applying mascara, eyeliner, dabs of concealer and a nude lip I got dressed in one of the outfits I had gotten from Lima's studio. A crisp cotton and canvas blend cropped blouse with eccentric puff sleeves and tailored high waisted trousers paired with sensible platform heels. I felt more put together than I had in years.

Lima was awake, and was drinking a coffee in the kitchen frowning at her open macbook. I guess that was the benefit of working for yourself. You could choose when and where to work. She looked up when I entered and gave me a huge smile. "Ugh, only you can make sample clothes look like they were tailored for you. Perfect." she said. "Come here and give me a kiss before you go."

"Yes, dear." I joked and bent down to kiss her cheek.

"You'll do great. Break a leg."

"Thanks, G."

I rode the tube to central London, it was a quick 20 minute journey. The carriages were packed and I stood the whole way but I was just happy to have a public transport system that worked and was convenient. Driving in LA and spending half your waking hours in traffic was one of the biggest ordeals about living there.

I met Sofia just outside Leicester Square station, she had a Starbucks cup in each hand, she dispatched one to me as soon as she saw me and we walked to Soho where the record company was based. I mean where else would it be? Soho was one of the most coveted addresses in the UK for creative companies.

"So anything I should know?"

"We're meeting with the HR director, I don't really know the CEO but I hear he's a real prick so please just try to stay out of his way."

"Sure, stay out of the CEO's way. Anything else?" I was getting increasingly more nervous as we got closer.

"You look great and you're going to do great."

"Thanks Sof, you and Lima have been amazing."

"Don't even speak of it. You're actually doing me a favour. How was your move yesterday?"

"It was cool, non-eventful. Lima's place is a vibe."

"I know I love hanging out there."

"Yeah, I mean it's no Hadley Wood but we do alright." I said, throwing slight shade on where Sofia had grown up and had recently purchased a house. It was an affluent gated community in North London, mostly enjoyed by the nouveau riche and premiership footballers.

Sofia pulled a face at me when she caught the shade. We always ribbed her for her privileged background and she had always been a good sport about it.

We went inside the building, it had a townhouse exterior with a modern glass and chrome interior, with a tastefully decorated lobby, where a Male Black security guard signed us in, I was always extra nice to Black support staff because you'll always need allies in White spaces, I would no doubt be one of the few non-white faces, I guessed. I could already tell.

We got on a lift and were immediately greeted by a tall blonde woman, dressed in a power suit. I'd hoped the dress code was more relaxed than that, it meant that I'd had to continue to wear smart clothes to work. I was already tired of wearing heels.

The introduction to the HR director was brief, we had a quick chat and then she passed me off to someone else to sign the basic onboarding paperwork and get acquainted with my role. Sofia stayed behind, presumably she was using the opportunity to scope out more work.

At the front desk I was introduced to one of the A&R managers, I'd be covering the phone for her and the CEO and also doing other Front of House duties. The work was light and the salary was unusually generous for such a low-level admin position but I wasn't going to complain.

I needed all the money I could get to finance my next career move. I wanted to put out my own album. I was tired of being stuck behind the scenes and if it meant doing it independently, then that's what I was going to do.

"Hey, Herma—Hermula...was it? I need your help setting up the conference room for a meeting in 10 mins. Can you manage that?"

I rolled my eyes internally, I had been dealing with Priya, the A&R manager all day and her digs at my name and competence levels was starting to grate on my nerves. I didn't like taking directions, it had never been my strong suit. I was too strong willed and stubborn for my own good, and it didn't help that Priya looked about 13 and was relentlessly bossing me around as a 30 year old woman. My ego was railing against the injustice.

This contract was important to Sofia, so I would have to behave myself. If it wasn't for that small fact, I'd have already given Priya a taste of my mind and let me tell you the state of me right now? It wouldn't have been pretty.

"Sure," I flashed a fake smile. She huffed and slammed the door to her office. This bitch needed to relax and quick or I wouldn't be liable for my actions anymore.

Taking a deep cleansing breath, I went on with the instructions she had given me. Presumably, I just had to check the video and audio equipment and find some refreshments. That wasn't hard to do.

I checked the equipment, the projector in the room was on and set up for anyone that wanted to present. I checked the wiring, and then went to the kitchen to arrange a refreshments tray and make a cafetière of coffee.

When I came back there was a man in the room bent over the desk, holding a MacBook and connecting it to the docking station, he was swearing softly.

I announced myself by clearing my throat and when he turned around at the noise, I could only hear the sound of blood rushing in my ears and the sound of the heavy tray I held in my hands crashing to the ground covering the carpeted floor in liquid and broken glass.

Of all the yuppie creative offices in Soho. I had ended up in his. I wanted the ground to open up like the gates of hell and put me out of my misery.

We stared at each other. JP and I. His face was unreadable and I'm sure my own was twisted in surprise and shock. He was taller than I remember, more muscular. He knew how to fill out a suit, that was for sure. He let his hair grow out, the top strands curling at his forehead casually.

He had the makings of a slight beard, the dark chocolate tone of scruff bringing out the olive tone to his skin. He wasn't the boy I remembered but a man. A delicious man that I simultaneously wanted to run away from and mount at the same time.

Priya arrived at the same time. "What is all that racket?" She screamed, her tan face going ashen when she saw the mess on the ground.

"New girl, in my office now!"


I think we've all worked with a couple of Priyas before lol. And there we have it, JP's first appearance. What do we all think? I've updated the first page of this book with an aesthetics graphic...if anyone is interested...👀

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