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You and your best friend, Sunoo were at a café to relax for a little bit since exams were coming closer and closer.

"So how's life going, living with Jungwon?" you asked Sunoo as you stuffed your mouth with your coffee cheesecake. "hmmm good, I guess" he replied before smiling and taking a sip of his drink. "So I heard you like Jungwon" Sunoo started, you almost spat your drink out by his sudden sentence. "No I-" "Please, it's okay if you like him. Why are you always denying it? Like l won't tell it to anyone" Sunoo reassured, you sighed in relief. He just laughed at your burning cheeks. "I'll get going now, it's getting late" you said, packing your stuff in your bag. "You should go to get your beauty sleep, I mean no one wants to look bad in front of their crush" he stated like its nothing. "KIM SUNOO" you hit him playfully, after bidding goodbyes to each other you left the café to head to your house.

After some minutes of walking, you finally reached home. "I'm back!" you yelled as you opened the door to your house. "Do you know what time is it?" your brother, Heesung asked sarcastically. "Ummm it's 10 am, don't you have eyes to see the time? I have to sleep now bye" you quickly went to your room before Heesung could nag at you. You quickly brushed your teeth, changed into your pajamas and plopped yourself on your bed.

"What now?!?" you groaned as you heard a notification on your phone. You grabbed your phone angrily and looked at the notification, it was Wonyoung your friend.

Active now

Are you awake?

I am, what is it?!?

Jungwon duh

What happened?

He likes some girl
Taki told me!

She must be lucky
like really lucky

Stop sulking!
What if it's you?!?

As much as l want
that to be true, no way

Think about it

I have prolly
A million times
Now imma sleep

Good night
Jungwon's future
Wifeu ;)

GN Wonyoung

You put your phone down and sighed. "What if it's you?" Wonyoung's words kept repeating in your mind but you knew deep inside that it's not true.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐑 - 𝙔𝘼𝙉𝙂 𝙅𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙒𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now