Chapter 3

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Abigail's POV

"Wake up Abby girl, today is your first day of school"! My dad woke me as he walked into my room. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. "I'm not ready". I moaned as I rolled out of bed and ignored my dad's presence and walked straight to the bathroom. "I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face to wake myself up. I went back to my room to pick out an outfit. "Good morning, Abigail". My dad said as I walked back to my room. "Good morning, dad". I sighed.

After a few minutes have passed, I finally picked out an outfit. Jeans, a blue t-shirt, and Converse sneakers. Nothing special or attention-grabbing. As that's the last thing I wanted. I brushed my hair and went down for breakfast. My mom has always been up earlier than anyone, she made my favorite breakfast chocolate chip waffles. "A very special breakfast for a very special girl". My mom said as she served me breakfast. "Thanks". I said as I ate them. Although I was so nervous that I couldn't actually enjoy them.

"It was special for your first day of school". My mom added as she watched me. "I would arrive a few minutes early so you can get your ID and everything else situated". My dad added. Great. I thought to myself he probably wants to go down with me. Walk me to my classroom. Talk about embarrassing. Even more embarrassing when your dad is a famous rock star. I silently nodded as I finished my breakfast and walked back up to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

As I finished brushing my teeth I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I don't know what will happen but I wasn't ready emotionally. I only had to act ready, play the part and everything will go smoothly right?

After the commute there we finally pulled up to the school "are you sure you don't need me to get down with you"? My dad asked. "Yes dad, I'm sure". I sighed as I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my floral backpack and exited the car. "Good Luck Abby, you got this sweetheart". My mom added before I shut the door.

I walked into the front office and was greeted by Mrs. Parker who had both my schedule and my school ID. "Well good morning, Miss Urie. Here's your schedule and your school ID. You will need your ID card with you at all times as you will need it for everything". She explained to me. I silently nodded in acknowledgment as she handed both my schedule and my ID card over to me. I quickly looked at my schedule and noticed that my schedule said that I was placed in Music class. A preconceived idea I thought to myself because I highly doubt this was done by coincidence. "Now if you will follow me, I will escort you down to your classroom". Mrs. Parker motioned for me to follow her. I nervously followed her down to the classroom that had a decorated door that read  "Miss Green's Classroom". Mrs. Parker knocked and we both waited for the teacher to open the door.

The door opened and a young blonde-haired woman smiled at both me and Mrs. Parker. "Come in". She invited me to come in. "Class, we have a new student". Miss Green told the class the rest of the class just stared at me and I began to grow more nervous. "Her name is Abigail Urie, lets give her a big warm welcome everyone". Miss Green introduces me to the rest of the class.

Awkward didn't begin to describe it. The class just stared me down, others whispered to one another. Not one student greeted me, at least not normally. "Now Abigail, if you don't mind taking a seat at your desk, we can continue on with our lesson. It's okay if you aren't up to speed yet you can always catch up". Miss Green reassures me as I walked to the vacant desk and sat down in it. I set my backpack down on the floor and looked to the dry erase board. "Hey... pssst". I heard a voice sound and I turned around and looked at the blonde-haired girl who said it. "Is it true"? She asked. Of course, she would ask this. Not that I was going to blow my cover this early on. "I don't know what you're talking about". I replied bluntly. "You know exactly what I'm talking about". The blond girl retorted as my heart began to race.

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