Chapter 14

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Abigail's POV

June 7th, Moving Day

My whole house in Santa Barbara looks so bare it's almost as if this house was being sold, although it wasn't. No traces of me, mom, or dad in this house. It was a bittersweet feeling, a part of me didn't want to go, and yet another part of me is excited for this next chapter in our lives. Something that crossed my mind was maybe dad wanted to move was because he needed some inspiration for the next album. But he did say that he was stepping away from music at least for now. So this wasn't the reason, it was to get away from it all. It would be selfish of me and the public to wish for music especially at a time where he is just now going through the recovery process.

Agatha, Peter, Mr. Henderson, and all my friends from school I will miss. Everything about my music class was amazing, and I will miss it. The moving trucks were here and my mom, dad, and the moving crew were transferring boxes from our house to the trucks. I wondered if my dad was able to sneak the guitar and keyboard in the moving truck. Either way, it was meant for me to put my song to music.

Moments later, everything was squared away and loaded into the moving trucks. "You ready, Abby"? I heard my dad ask as I walked around in the bare house. Everything was gone. The studio that was once filled with creativity and musical talent, was just a studio. I noticed that the acoustic guitar and the portable keyboard were missing so I assumed it was squared away and going along for the drive to our new location. "Yes, I was just double-checking the house". I replied as I walked downstairs to the now empty house.

"It's time to go now, Abby," My dad said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and sighed. I just looked back at him and went into our car along with the moving trucks. I got all settled and asked how long it would be before we arrived. "Just relax, and enjoy the ride". My dad added as he started up the car and pulled out of our driveway in Santa Barbara for what may be the final time. I must admit, I never noticed the front of our house until now. It would be the last time we see it. I stared out the window looking at our house until it was in the distance.
Brendon's POV

I drove for hours on end, exhausting wasn't the word for it. The only breaks we had were to eat, refresh, and of course sleep. Which I had trouble getting. "Brendon, you need to rest". I hear Sarah tell me as I sat in the cheap motel bed we stayed at overnight. "I can't". I sighed. "What is it, Bren"? Sarah asked. "I don't know. I'm second-guessing this whole move". I replied. "Bren, you need this move, we all need this move. Let's just go easy for once. Forget about the big flashy lights of Hollywood, just live in the mountains. Away from it all". Sarah explained. "That's the thing, I have no idea about the forest, the mountains, and living in a fucking cabin. Music is all I know, it's all I've known, it's been my life for the past fifteen years". I replied. "Well, this is our chance to have a fresh start". Sarah explained. "Now, Let's just rest Brendon, we have another long day on the road tomorrow". Sarah added as she kissed my forehead and waited for me to lay down next to her on the wretched mattress in this cheap motel.

The next morning came far too quickly and it was almost 10:00 am and I was still groggy and in bed. "Dad, wake up"! I heard my daughter exclaim as she hopped atop my bed. "Ugh Abby, it's too early". I sighed groggily. "Dad, it's 10:00 in the morning, Mom already went to get us breakfast, and checked us out". Abigail replied. I sighed and got up not realizing that my daughter was right in front of me and I was in nothing but my underwear. How embarrassing that was, I quickly grabbed a bed sheet and draped it across my waist as I grabbed my pants and ran to the restroom to put them on.

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