Wedding Day

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15th June 2013
You looked in the mirror at yourself, your long white wedding dress covering your figure. You couldn't help but smile. Today was the day. Today was the day you were getting married to the love of your life. The guy that made your heart stop, your stomach flutter and you loose your breath every time you were with him. Ever since the first day you met him you knew he would be special.

You knocked on the door of your best friends house, ready for his moving in party. It was only a small gathering with close friends and you happened to be his best friend. You didn't know many of his other friends but you were open to meeting new people. The door opened and you smiled to greet who you assumed was going to be Robert, your best friend, but you were shocked when it wasn't. You were greeted by a tanned man, about yours and Robs age, with brown hair and a cute looking face. He was very handsome, anyone would say it, your heart skipped a beat.
"Oh hello. Welcome to Robs new place." The said man greeted with a smile. His smile was warm and he had little dimples.
"You sound like Rob's assistant? I'm Y/N" You laughed introducing yourself, sticking your hand out.
"Haha, may as well be. David" he says, shaking your hand.

You smiled at the memory of meeting your fiancé as your bridesmaids came into your room, dressed in the baby pink dresses you picked out. They gave you a twirl and you smiled.

"Oh I love it! You all look so pretty!" You said, rushing over to give them a hug

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"Oh I love it! You all look so pretty!" You said, rushing over to give them a hug. You were scared, heck this was a massive commitment, but you knew this was something you wanted. He was the one you wanted, for the rest of your life. From the day you shared your first kiss you knew you would fight to be with him forever. Because when you meet that special someone, you know you never want to let them go.

You walked across the sand, the sea splashing on your feet. You and David had gone out on a late night walk while the others chilled by the camp fire. It was mid summer and you and some mates had gone on a spontaneous beach caravan holiday. This was one of your favourite things to do, walking across the beach at night. Under the stars.
You couldn't help the butterflies creeping into your stomach as you looked at the boy beside you. You and David had been getting closer these past weeks, meeting up, texting. You had grown close friends, speaking to each other about everything. Unspoken glances to each other, innocent touches. It hurt your heart not knowing what was going on. The unspoken tension and the obvious closeness you both had.
You felt David's fingers ghost against yours, a silent message. Both of your hands found each other, intertwining together. Your stomach erupted into butterflies and you both silently walked along the shore, the sand seeping in between your toes.
"You know, being here right now, with you, I've never felt so at ease." You smile at the boys words, looking up to find his eyes on you. You give his hand a squeeze in agreement. To show you felt the same way.
"It's crazy how close we have gotten since meeting at Robs party. I feel like I've known you forever." You say to him.
"I've never felt this way around someone. You make me feel so warm and safe and I just want to be around you all the time." You had both stopped in your tracks, both your hands intertwined in his, both your eyes looking into his.
"Davi-" you got cut off by his soft lips upon yours. He went to pull away but you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back in. Your skin tingled as you smiled into the kiss, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his torso. His hands rested on the tops of your thighs as he kept you up. You broke from the kiss and rested your forehead upon his.
"I've waited so long to do that." He whispers.

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