Friendships and cravings

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November 2013
It had been a month since your first scan and you had just come out of your second scan. You had a new scan photo and the letter revealing the gender of the twins. As you and David both wanted to do a gender reveal, you didn't want to know before everyone else did, so you decided to keep it a secret and have the nurse put it in a letter. You were both beyond excited.

"So the plan is, we tell Rob that we are having twins and give him the letter with the gender on so he can do the gender reveal? He's already agreed to do the reveal regardless, he'll just be the first one to know it's twins." David says as you both get in the car.

"Yes. I think it will be nice to involve him as he is such a special part of both of our life's. I think it will be nice to have him as the godfather as well, when they are born." You answer. You had already told most of your immediate family that you were pregnant, but you hadn't yet revealed to anyone it was twins. You had both decided David's idea of surprising everyone at the gender reveal was so fun and special to do and it would make it memorable. You would get someone to record it so you could look back on it and show your children once they had grown up.

You had invited Rob round your house for dinner and a catch up tonight. He was so excited about the pregnancy and vowed to be like a second father to it. To them. You knew he would be doubly excited about knowing that they're twins and you were happy that they would have an uncle figure like him. Even though they would have an actually uncle, you having a brother, but Robert was just as much of a brother to you. You hadn't been friends with him for as long as David had, but he was your best friend. Him and David where the people you told everything to and that would never change.

David had 2 sisters who were very excited to be aunties. You invited them along with David's parents, who had flew from Mexico, as well as your parents, who had flew from Italy, to come visit so you could tell them all the exciting news a few weeks ago. Your brother flew from England, where he now lived with his girlfriend, a few days later and you told them then. They were all so excited. As you and David where both the oldest children in your family, you were the first to give your parents grandchildren. It was so special and you loved how excited they were.

You arrived back at your house. It was now 12pm and you were absolutely starving. You were now feeding for 3 and it was really showing. You were constantly hungry. Before you had a big apatite but now it was unbearable.

"Babe, I'm hungry." You said with a pouty face as he opened the passenger door for you. He smiled, taking your hand and helping you up.

"What would you like me to make you?"

"You know what, I really fancy macaroni cheese. With lots of cheese on top." You say as he shut the door behind you and locked the car. Cheese was definitely one of your major cravings along with pickles and ribena.

"Okay, I'll run you a bath because you have been complaining of your back aching all morning and then I'll make a start to your lunch." He smiles, giving you a kiss before leading the way to the front door. When had you gotten so lucky to have a husband like him?

"It's ready!" David calls to you from the upstairs bathroom. You were laid on your bed in your robe ready for the bath. You were only 3 months pregnant but you felt like a whale. You dread to think how big you'd get by the end of the 9 months.

"Coming babe." You said, standing up and heading to the bathroom. Your husband had made you a nice warm bath with your favourite rose bubble bath.

"Did you know I love you lots?" You say, smiling as you went over to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Would I still be here if you didn't" He laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Very true." You said, pulling away to take your robe off to get into the bath.

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