New beginnings

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September 2013
You pulled up to your new house after a long and exciting day. You couldn't wait to get in and see your husband. It had been 3 months and it still felt surreal calling him that. You were married. How crazy. 10 years ago you would have never thought that this is how you would be living your life. Married at 23 to the love of your life, moved into your new forever home and enjoying starting a life together. You were so grateful for everything that had happen to you. From succeeding in school and now working in a children's hospital. You were really happy with how life was treating you. You also had a surprise to tell David, something that you and him had wanted for ages. Something that would make the both of you extremely happy. You were pregnant.

You had found out the day before and wanted to figure out a perfect way of telling him. You had nipped into a few store to pick up some things to surprise him with and make it extra special. This was your first child and you thought it would be so exciting to announce it in a special way. You had brought a little baby grow that said 'coming soon' and a blue and pink flower. You also had a little personalised card that said 'the butterflies in my belly have turned into little feet'.

You decided to lay it out on his side of the bed, anticipating him coming home. You were nervous to see his reaction. Of course you had always talked about having children and starting a family but this was unplanned. You were sure he would be as excited as you, you just had nerves he may be a bit unhappy about the timing.

You waited about 30 minutes pacing the four walls of your room until the front door finally opened.

"Babe, I'm home." You hear his voice and your heart skips a beat. This is it! You place your pregnancy test that had been hidden in the drawers closest to your side of the bed next to the baby grow before running into the landing.

"Up hear honey!" You shout, excitement and nerves filling your voice.

"Is everything okay?" He says and he rushes upstairs. You smiled at his kindness. It was something you really admired about it.

"Absolutely perfect! I have a surprise for you." A smile grew on his face as you made him close his eyes. You grabbed his hands and led him to the room.

"What is it? Babe you know I hate surprises!"

"Shh I know but you'll love this one. Now before you open your eyes I want to say that I haven't got a gift receipt so we can't return it. It's gonna be our forever." You say with a smile as you took your hands away from his eyes.

It took him a few seconds to register everything on the bed and then his eyes widened. He looked at you and back at the bed before putting his hands over his mouth.

"You are kidding!!" He says excitedly. You smile at his reaction, shaking your head.

"Nope. We are going to be parents!!" You squeal as he grabs a hold of you and lifts you up, giving you the biggest hug.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it! We are going to be parents! I've been dreaming of this day for so long! And I'm so happy I get to experience it with you. The love of my life!" He gives you a big kiss as happy tears fall from your eyes.

"I'm so happy I get to be mummy to your child. To our child." You say as you rest your head on his.

"I would never want to return it by the way." He whispers into your lips and you smile. In that moment you felt so complete.

October 2013
Today was the day of your first scan. It had been around 4 weeks since you found out you were pregnant and it had been a rocky ride. You had suffered really bad morning sickness and just felt really crap. You hoped by your second trimester it would go away, but that was at least another 2 months from now.

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