Chapter 2

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She woke up on the hospital bed,bandage wrapped all over her body, like Biblical Lazarus
Her mother,brother and sister were there,her mother held her hand,smiling,"mom?"
"Thank God,you are alive we thought we had lost you,how are you feeling?"
"Dad?" Victoria asked
"I am so sorry" funmi voice trembled,tears clogging her throat
Victoria was confused she didn't understand her mother's tone of voice
"Is he?" She could not bring herself to ask the dreaded question
Funmi squeezed her daughter's hand
"My baby,I am sorry"
Tears streamed down Victoria's face "he called me perfect nobody has ever done that,nobody,not even you mum and God decided to take him away from me,it just not fair"
"God,am so tired,you did not get affected did you?"
"You were worse hit,you,your dad and Monica"
"She died of concussion"
"No!,no!!!,not Monica,it's not fair,they have taken the best parts of my life"
Funmi squeezed her daughter's hand and glanced weakly at junior,she didn't know what to say,she too had lost a lot, but here was a girl who had lost love in form of a father.
"I am sorry, Vicky,I know it hurts,but we all need to move on"
"I can't mum"
"I lost my husband and my child"
Victoria was bitter "I lost the only people who ever loved me"
Junior tapped her shoulder "let me go get a drink for you, you can't eat for now" he walked out giving his mother  a confused look
Funmi sat down beside the bed
"The fact that I don't go mushy on you doesn't mean I don't love yoy,I was just..."
"Ashamed to be seen with a monster like me"
"You are not a monster,it's just that the Creator sometimes seems to have a huge sense of humour"
Victoria laughed lightly "mum if you don't mind can I sleep now thank you"
Funmi rubbed her knuckle "sleep well  my dear"
Immediately she left, Victoria burst into fresh tears.
Funmi sat opposite side of the doctor'seat "good afternoon doctor"
He shook her hand "Mrs Adeniyi I am sorry for your lost,please accept my condolences and try to take care of yourself"
" Thank you so much doctor, my daughter?"
" She has to undergo surgery, she had first degree burns,all over her body"
" And what else?"
" Her mind has been affected,she will have troubles coping,she have moments of extreme anger and anxiety"
" What are you trying to say?"
" You has a severe brain damage"

A week later, Victoria was releasef,the bandages still on her body,she was placed on a wheelchair
"Mum,where are Junior and Jessica?"
"Gone to Grandma's it's just us,isn't that nice?"
Victoria touched the bandages on her face " when will this be off?"
" A year"
"What?!,no way,remove it now " "Victoria"
"You love seeing me this way"
" Vicky!!"
Victoria rolled herself into the house

A month later funmi sold the house when she told Victoria about the sale,she was angry " how can you be so callous, selling my only memory of my father?"Junior mouth dropped open " you are not talking to mum like that are you?"
Victoria got up "my feelings have never being considered"
" What gone into you?"
" Ask me"
She hissed and walked out

Funmi was dressing up for work when her phone rang it was Mr Adeniyi
"Hello sir"
"My wife, how are you and the family kids?"
"We are coming, hope you don't mind"
" No,you are free"
" We are coming next month'

A few weeks later the bandages on  Victoria's face was removed
She stood in front of the mirror and cried,she was transformed,she had become extremely beautiful

So when her grandmother saw her,the woman was shocked,she could not believe her eyes
Funmi came to the sitting room bowls of Amala and efo riro
"Is this Victoria?"
She nodded "yes,that's the child you called a monster"
" Am sorry,my wife it was ignorance that caused it"
" Mama, let me go and make friut juice"

Victoria stormed into the  kitchen
" What is she doing here?"
" Who?"
" Mama"
"She is your grandmother,"
"I do not want her here,she is not welcomed"
She walked out
Funmi shook her head,what could she do about Victoria and her irritable attitude now?.

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