Ch. 32 - Ignorance Isn't Bliss

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I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I had spent the last two days passed out in bed numb to the world on the painkillers Marissa brought me later the night of. She also got rid of my bloody clothes, towels, and any bandages that needed to be tossed. She was an expert of getting rid of evidence. I was fortunate to have her on my side. I could only wonder what her purpose was in all of this. She was probably a mole to find out information for the resistance.

As much as I wanted t stay in bed today Lucas' note had said that I was supposed to be at Delia's with Claire today. As I got ready I did an assessment of myself. My knees and hands had abrasions on them and my wound had a mixture of dark black, brown, and red scabbing all over it. Every once in awhile I'd flinch as I could feel the phantom of the magical werewolf biting into my flesh. My hair was matted from me neglecting it. It would take at least ten minutes to get all of the knots out.

I had to walk slowly to make the pain bearable as with each step a sharp pain radiated up and down my nerve endings all up my left side from my toes to my fingertips. I started myself a bath and turned the faucet off when the water level was four or five fingers high. My wound hadn't been properly cleaned since Marissa had done it for me. The nurse inside of me knew I had to clean it because the last thing I needed was for it to get infected. If that happened I would really be fucked and I would have an even harder time concealing my injury and finishing up what I needed to do. Which at this point I had no idea how I was going to accomplish that without being caught. I'd have to come up with something quick because time was ticking. I had a deadline now and that simple fact had me rattled.

After I had put fresh glaze and tightly secured bandages to my torso I opted for some comfortable leggings and a loose long sleeve t shirt with one of Lucas' black hoodies. I decided not to take pain medication because I knew they would leave me lethargic. I decided to take 800 mg of ibuprofen instead. From what I remembered from my arm injury the third day was the worst and I could already tell that was going to be the case here as well. To make matters worse I had started my period. I hadn't had it in months probably due to both the trauma my body had been through and the constant stress I was under.

And I was lonely. I had never felt so alone in my entire life. Everything was all so hard to bear. I shook myself and proceeded to splash ice cold water on my face in an attempt to stifle my momentary pity party. Now wasn't the time. I needed to stay focused. People's lives depended on me and I wasn't doing a great job. I thought about trying to heal myself again, but decided against it because from the two times I used the spell it seemed to only fix the injury superficially. I'd have to heal the normal way.

I ate a quick breakfast before a car dropped by to pick me up for Delia's. It was a larger SUV that looked like maybe it used to be a police car. The Gamma in charge of my town drove around in something similar. The guard driving the car parked in front of Silas' house before both Delia and Claire came bounding down the steep hill and climbed in next to me. I smiled as each of them gave me a hug.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

As both of the young women strapped in Delia responded, "Silas wants us to go shopping for some dresses for a party we will be hosting soon. He wants us all to look the part so that we represent the leadership here well."

I nodded and felt my body heat up. The party coinciding is closely to the deadline couldn't be a coincidence.

"I'm just excited to get out of the damn house. I was starting to go a little stir crazy."

Claire chimed in, "I know right, these men have us under lock and key."

Poor girls. I wanted to be just as excited as them but I couldn't. I looked out the window as they started to talk about specific cuts and styles of dresses that they preferred and Claire went on and on about color palettes that were great for winter. Her knowledge on the subject was impressive to say the least. She was quite convinced I'd look fantastic in an olive green or burgundy.

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