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Definition Of The Day:

Something that takes up space.

    Nagito had a weird plan, something that im sure was suicide

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Nagito had a weird plan, something that im sure was suicide. Rope, a spear, some medicine, duct tape and an abandoned wearhouse. I didnt dare question what he was planning on doing. He grinned at me, our hands inter winded. He currently was holding the knife, i couldnt break away from him now, i didnt want to get sliced up into little sushi parts. We were walking around the island, looking for somewhere to set up his plan.

"Y/n, you know i set up bombs all around the island."

"You what." I pulled our hands backwards. We stopped in our tracks, hand in hand. "Thats not something you just spring on somebody. Where did you even get these bombs?"

"Its why im telling you now, right?" He hummed and pulled us along.

"Still...Where did you get them?" I questioned, he answered the super market super casually. 'Does it really have everything in there?'

"You're an interesting person, Y/N"

"What do you mean?"

He tilted his head. "You're going long with my plans even though you dont have too. You know this will be the end of us the more we walk, but you still havent broken away to alert the others."


"You have nothing to say to that."

"Im not one to break any of my promises." We walked in silence before seeing a big warehouse. This must be the final thing he needs. He walked up the door and with difficulties, it seamed to be stuck. He pushed and pushed. Finally, with a grunt and the help of me, we pushed the door open.

"Great job, we make a great team." He smilled at me and we walked in. A scatter of monokumas were on the ground. Some were standing and others were in pilles. "You can put the duct tape and weapon on that box over there."

I walked over to the box and placed down the items. He handed me a broom and started to sweep an area. We cleared the floor of monokumas. I remembered when we first were stuck together, sweeping up the old cabin.

"This should be enough." He softly snatched the stick out of my grasp and put them back against the walls. He asked if i was able to swing the rope over to the other side. I nodded and got to work, he walked over to the door and closed it. I watched to see if he were to do anything sneaky. He took some monokumas and lined them up against the door, like dominos.

My legs gripped around a piller. I shimmied up the pole. When i made it to the top i made sure to have a good grip with my thighs. I grabbed the rope and made sure they both were equally met the ground.

"Go ahead, jump down." Nagito grinned at me as he held onto the other side of the rope.

Hesitantly, i asked "You wont peek up my skirt, right?"

"Promise." We gripped on the rope tightly. I slowly slid down; picking up my paste when i reached the bottom. "Maybe i got a little peek.."

My face flushed red and i gripped onto the rope harder "P-perv!"

"Y/N, i need to tell you something about the game...Its all fake"

"Haha..Nice joke." He looked at me dead serious. My shoulders shuddered, 'what is he saying?'

"Ever heard of the Neo world program?"

"....Neo world program?"

"The Neo World Program is a program created by the Future Foundation, designed to place the user in a virtual world by synchronizing directly with the user's brain." I blinked at the explenation. This was the smartest ive ever heard him, "By mounting a device to the cranium, the program allows its subjects to experience a 'synthetic virtual world"

"Like a vcr?"

"Exactly. It can replace memories formed in the real world with information contained in the virtual world. Therefore, it's possible to undo trauma sustained in the real world through the use of the virtual world, which is why the program is also known as Hope Restoration Program."

    "I never agreed to this! They're violating my memories and rights..." My hands tangled with my hair. "Everything we've experience is a lie..Its a lie!"

He rushed over to me and gripped my hands tightly. "Thats why i needed your help to restore help in everyone and figure out the traitor."

    "With ropes, a knife and monokumas...okay."

"Its kinda like that. I really want to thank you, Y/N" He grinned at me. "Were almost done here.."

"And then you'll finally leave me alone right?"

"Of course, darling. You'll finally be freed. I just need your help one last time."

"With what?"

"Your body."



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