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⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ Words: 685
Warnings: Slight swearing Actions in keeping someone locked/tied up against their will Biting actions Sexual tensions against someones will.
Definition Of The Day: A c r i d
Unpleasant, bitter, sharp (as in speech) ⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣
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"You've always been there next to me,
and yet
you never understood!"
I... don't need a sword, or a shield...
"Anyone! Help!"
I don't need... a tool...
You... you never had to be one...
"Anyone please! It hurts!"
Let's give it all we got!
"M-my legs!"
Why... couldn't you have just been you...
I...I never needed a tool!
All I ever needed was you!
"Please! Im scared!"
S...So, Peko!
Don't go yet...!
I need you!
Don't leave me here alone!!
Slashes. Bruises. Burns. Whatever was causing pain on my leg was something that I've never felt in my life.
I was blind.
Throbbing pain and being tied. Every one of my senses were cut off. Ropes were tied tightly around my arms, legs and body. A tight cloth was tightened around my eyes.
"You sure know how to anger me, Y/N." a gruff voice sent shivers down my spine.
"W-who are you!" I demanded answers.
"You should know by now."
"W-where am I?!"
"You're safe." Soft fingers placed themselves on my face. Slowly caressing my checks. Up and down. In a weirdly calming movement. "I couldn't contain myself."
My voice became horse. "C..Can't you tell me who you are?"
"How about I show you?"
My hand was pushed into a soft texture. I bawled it tightly in my hands and pulled on it.
"I didn't know you were into hair pulling kink, Y/N."
"Nagito?" I quickly let go. He was the only person I knew with such fluffy hair, him and Akane, but I was 100# this was Nagito and not Akane.
(Fun fact, Akane auto corrected to alabe twice.)
"You're one smart girl." He laughed.
"W-why?!" I growled. Confidence hit me all at once. I wasn't scared of this long cheese looking man. "Let me go!"
He stopped laughing all at once.
"Let you go? Why would I do that?"
"Because this is insane!"
"Do you have any idea who I am?"
'He did have a point. I've only known him for a few days but he's only slipped up and shown his crazy side for about 15 minutes or less.' My eyes strained themselves under this thick scarfed material. 'What was he really like out of close monitor of others and out of chains?'
"I'm sorry to do this to you."
"What do you—"
A...kiss?' He kissed me then slapped duct tape harshly slapped upon my lips.
"I couldn't hold myself back anymore. Your vulnerable state makes me so happy. Your eyes, if I could see them, must be filled to the brim with hope."
He held a tighter grip on my face, and removed the blind fold in one quick take. The blindfold dropped to the ground making a soft splat. His eyes stared down into my eyes.
"Y/N... I was so jealous. I was jealous of how much attention you were giving to Hajime and Hiyoko."
'Hajime was helping me investigate and Hiyokos friend was literally just massacred a couple of hours ago.'
"Oh how the tables turned. I remember I were the one who was tied up and you were helping me. It looks like I'm going to have to take care of you, it was a promise i made to you remember?"
'A promise?'
"To be honest, i tried to send her away in hopes that you'll come and feed me. Looks like my luck helped---"
"--Enough." I shoved the slice of bread into his mouth.
"I'll repay you somehow, maybe i'll be the one feeding you."
"You remember don't you? That day you came and fed me?" He grinned like a small child. "You were so nice to me, I felt so loved in your presents. You even stayed with me when I begged you to. You don't understand how much I love you.."