Day 8

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POV: 3rd person

It's Sunday morning and Y/n and Beomgyu decided to meet and read a book together.

They were sitting side by side on the floor in the corner of the library behind some shelves where they could talk and hear each other's voices without getting stares.

"Why don't you have any friends?" He asked her randomly.

"I had one but our friendship broke. Also I have a very boring life. But why don't you have any? I mean you're such a nice guy to talk to. If I actually take a look, you're pretty mysterious. Nobody knows anything about you. Neither did I before we started talking."

Beomgyu chuckles and continues to read the book he was holding for both of them to read from.

POV: Choi Beomgyu

I see the same guy who's a regular at the cafe enter inside.

"Hi it's been so long since I last saw you. What's keeping you so busy?" Y/n askes him.

"Just work and stuff." He smiles at her and she takes his order.

'How does she automatically change whenever he's around? It's like her smile widens as soon as she sees him. Does she like him? Are they dating? Anyways I'm better than him. He's not even that good looking and has a weird fashion sense.' I thought.

I prepare his tray and was about to serve it to him but Y/n took it from my hand mid-way and sat down on the table with him.

They had a conversation and I just watched them from behind the counter while cleaning it.

After he was done he left and Y/n was still sitting over there so I took a seat across her.

"Who is he?" I couldn't help my curiosity.

"He's like the only guy my mom let's me talk to because he's rich. And I used to have the biggest crush on him. He liked someone else and they got in a relationship but they recently broke up and now they're back again."

"So...? Does that make you upset?"

"I don't know. Does it?" She shrugged and got up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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