Chapter 32

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The entire swim team was on the bus, but no one was making a sound

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The entire swim team was on the bus, but no one was making a sound. It was so early that the sun had just started flickering awake while everyone else was trying to fall back to sleep. The dim morning light had turned the frosted windows into nothing more than panels of condensation, which prompted Jackson to draw a stick figure. He drew a couple more random shapes before he streaked his fingers over the images and he leaned his head against the metal frame. He was whisking away a dead fly when Evan entered the vehicle, sitting down in the seat in front of him.

"You better win something," Jackson said. "I woke up before dawn for this."

Evan deadpanned, "Sure, Jackson. Because your lack of beauty sleep is my only motivation."

"That's the spirit," he replied, clamping Evan's shoulder with humor. The white-haired boy flinched at the touch, so Jackson recoiled.

Evan dropped his duffle bag next to him and carefully pulled the cross-body strap over his head. His movements were slow and stiff, making Jackson stare in concern.

"Alright boys and girls," Coach Farley said to a bus occupied by only boys. "We'll arrive at the University of Illinois in about two hours. Keep your Walkmans and your cassette tapes at low volume. I don't need to hear the mixtapes your girlfriends made you. And if you need to piss, piss now. Or forever hold your piss." He chuckled at his own pun.

Evan was rubbing his neck, wincing at every motion.

Jackson opened his mouth and said, "Coach, I think Evan – "

"And I especially don't want to hear a peep out of you, Trailer Trash," the coach pointed at Jackson. "You're lucky you're even coming on this trip after the stunt you pulled at the semi-finals."

"But I – "

"Not. A. Peep," Coach Farley shushed him. "This is the State Championship. We are all here to support Evan. Y'all are a team. And you will treat each other with respect."

Jackson wasn't convinced Coach Farley knew the definition of respect.

"You will get your room assignments when we get there," the coach continued, looking at some paperwork. "The competition is today, and the award ceremony is tomorrow. We will be attending both, regardless if Evan places or not. It shows good sportsmanship – so get comfortable in those tiny dorms. I don't want any complaints."

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